Report: UK PM's Brexit Deal Would Cost Each Brit £500 Every Year for A Decade

Report: UK PM's Brexit Deal Would Cost Each Brit £500 Every Year for A Decade

A leading think tank warned that The government's official plan for the post-Brexit economy would leave a major dent in Britain's national income equivalent to about £500 a year per person.
Envoy warns of outside attempts to return Iran to FATF blacklist

Envoy warns of outside attempts to return Iran to FATF blacklist

Iranian ambassador to UK said the US, Saudi Arabia, Argentina and Israel made a lot of efforts to return Iran to FATF blacklist at the last plenary session of the global financial watchdog in Paris
Russia, Turkey Urge US to Stop Threatening Rhetoric over Arms Deals

Russia, Turkey Urge US to Stop Threatening Rhetoric over Arms Deals

Moscow and Ankara slammed the United States for using the language of threats when it comes to arms deals between other countries that Washington does not favor.
Trump Said US Sanctions on Russia Will Remain in Place, Unchanged

Trump Said US Sanctions on Russia Will Remain in Place, Unchanged

Washington's sanctions against Moscow will remain in place and unchanged for now, US President Donald Trump said during a joint press conference with Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in the White House on Monday.
North Korea Developing New Missiles: Report

North Korea Developing New Missiles: Report

US intelligence agencies have found that North Korea is building new missiles, based on satellite photographs taken in recent weeks and other new evidence, The Washington Post reported Monday.
Iranian Deputy FM Meets Russian, Syrian Diplomats

Iranian Deputy FM Meets Russian, Syrian Diplomats

Iranian foreign minister’s special assistant for political affairs, Hossein Jaberi Ansari, held separate talks with Russian President’s Special Envoy on Syria Alexander Lavrentiev and Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations Bashar al-Jaafari in Russia’s Sochi.
Russian FM: Moscow Is Aware of US, Western Military Plans

Russian FM: Moscow Is Aware of US, Western Military Plans

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov revealed that Moscow knows what military actions Washington and its Western allies might be plotting against it.
Iran, Russia, Turkey to Discuss Syria in Sochi

Iran, Russia, Turkey to Discuss Syria in Sochi

Representatives of Iran, Russia, and Turkey, the three guarantor states for the Syrian ceasefire, will meet in Sochi, Russia, on Monday to discuss issues regarding the formation of the Syrian constitutional committee, a report said.
Trump’s Reaganism approach, a collapsed role model

Trump’s Reaganism approach, a collapsed role model

- Undoubtedly, former US president Ronald Reagan (1981-1989) could be called the “spiritual father” of Donald Trump.
Iranian FM: US Should Give Up Addiction to Sanctions

Iranian FM: US Should Give Up Addiction to Sanctions

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif underlined that the US should understand that sanctions and pressures can never force other countries to accept Washington's dictated policies.
US Forces Dispatch More Military Aid to Allied Militias in Northeastern Syria

US Forces Dispatch More Military Aid to Allied Militias in Northeastern Syria

The US Army has forwarded more military equipment to Raqqa in Northeastern Syria to reinvigorate the Washington-backed militias' combat capabilities for countering popular uprising in the region, a media outlet reported on Sunday.
Israeli Raid Expected as Intl. Freedom Flotilla Nears Gaza Waters

Israeli Raid Expected as Intl. Freedom Flotilla Nears Gaza Waters

An international flotilla, meant to draw the world's attention to the suffering of Palestinians under an inhumane Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip, is nearing the coastal enclave's waters.
Lebanese Parliamentary Speaker Shuns UN Officials for Pro-Israel Bias

Lebanese Parliamentary Speaker Shuns UN Officials for Pro-Israel Bias

Lebanon’s top legislator refused to meet with the United Nations special coordinator for Lebanon, and the commander of the world body’s peacekeepers, decrying their pro-Israeli bias.
US Consulate in Erbil Forefront of Attempts to Destabilize Iran's Western Borders

US Consulate in Erbil Forefront of Attempts to Destabilize Iran's Western Borders

The US administration appointed a skilled expert on Iran issues as Washington's new consul-general in Erbil as speculations have increased about the country's attempts to destabilize the Western borders of Iran.
Pakistan's Likely PM Underlines Expansion of Ties with Iran, Review of Relations with US

Pakistan's Likely PM Underlines Expansion of Ties with Iran, Review of Relations with US

Pakistan’s likely next prime minister, Imran Khan, underlined that the country's future government will further broaden ties with Iran and will review relations with Washington.
Coordinated Terrorist Attack Reported in Jalalabad City

Coordinated Terrorist Attack Reported in Jalalabad City

A group of militants launched a coordinated suicide attack on a training center of the midwives in Jalalabad city, the provincial capital of Nangarhar.
Report: Secretary of State Blindsided by White House Moves

Report: Secretary of State Blindsided by White House Moves

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has reportedly been caught off guard by recent moves by the White House, according to a report.
Trump Seeks to Revive 'Arab NATO' to Confront Iran: Report

Trump Seeks to Revive 'Arab NATO' to Confront Iran: Report

The Trump administration is quietly pushing ahead with a bid to create a new security and political alliance with six Persian Gulf Arab states, Egypt and Jordan, to contain Iran’s growing influence in the region, a report said.
Turkey: Arrest Warrants out for 8 FETO-Linked Suspects

Turkey: Arrest Warrants out for 8 FETO-Linked Suspects

Turkish prosecutors issued arrest warrants for at least eight suspected members of Fetullah Organization -- the group behind a defeated coup in 2016 -- for alleged involvement in police exam fraud.
Palestinians Preparing for Friday Rally of ’Our Martyrs Children’

Palestinians Preparing for Friday Rally of ’Our Martyrs Children’

The Palestinians are preparing for the Friday protest entitled "Our Martyrs Children" as part of peaceful return marches that has been in place since March 30 along the border fence of the besieged Gaza Strip.
Trump Administration Misses Deadline to Reunite All Immigrant Children with Parents

Trump Administration Misses Deadline to Reunite All Immigrant Children with Parents

The Trump administration has failed to meet a court-ordered deadline to reunite immigrant children forcibly separated from their families at the US-Mexico border, as about 700 children still remain in detection.
Russia Says True Value of US Declarations Is Well Known

Russia Says True Value of US Declarations Is Well Known

Russian Foreign Ministry’s official Spokesperson Maria Zakharova commented on the US declaration on refusal to recognize the reunification of Crimea with Russia, noting the instability of US foreign policy.
Venezuela to Remove Five Zeroes from Ailing Currency

Venezuela to Remove Five Zeroes from Ailing Currency

Venezuela will remove five zeroes from the bolivar currency rather than the three zeroes originally planned, President Nicolas Maduro said on Wednesday, in an effort to keep up with inflation projected to reach 1 million percent this year.
Saudi ambassador's anti-Iran claim empty, worthless

Saudi ambassador's anti-Iran claim empty, worthless

The claim of Saudi ambassador to the United States against Iranian foreign minister is 'empty and worthless of answering', public relations department of the Iranian Foreign Ministry said in a statement a copy of which IRNA received on Thursday.
Don’t Force Iran to Go to War: Philippines President

Don’t Force Iran to Go to War: Philippines President

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte warned the US and other countries to avoid "egging Iran to go to war".
Saudis getting closer to KRG to partition Iraq: Iraqi politician

Saudis getting closer to KRG to partition Iraq: Iraqi politician

In reaction to a Saudi delegation's yesterday visit to Iraqi Kurdistan, Iraqi politician Iskander Witwit warned that Saudi Arabia is getting closer to the Iraqi Kurds with the aim of breaking up Iraq.
ISIL Attacks against Sweida Launched from Al-Tanf Region

ISIL Attacks against Sweida Launched from Al-Tanf Region

The ISIL terrorists' massive attacks against different towns and villages in Sweida province were launched from al-Tanf region in Homs province which hosts the US-backed militants, media sources said on Wednesday.
Trump Asks Why Cohen Tape on Payments to Playboy Model Was 'Abruptly Terminated'

Trump Asks Why Cohen Tape on Payments to Playboy Model Was 'Abruptly Terminated'

Commenting on the released recording of his conversation with his attorney, US President Donald Trump wondered "what kind of a lawyer would tape a client".
ICJ Warns US after Iran’s Complaint

ICJ Warns US after Iran’s Complaint

The International Court of Justice has sent a letter to the US secretary of state, urging Washington not to take any action that may contravene the ICJ’s upcoming ruling on a lawsuit brought by Iran against the US for breaching the 1955 Treaty of Amity by re-imposing sanctions.
Trump: US Ready to Make ‘Real Deal’ with Iran

Trump: US Ready to Make ‘Real Deal’ with Iran

Two days after threatening Iran, US President Donald Trump tamped down his hawkish rhetoric and signaled he’s ready to make a “real deal” on Tehran’s nuclear program.
Syria in Last 24 Hours: Terrorists Fail to Prevail over Army Positions in Homs Province

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Terrorists Fail to Prevail over Army Positions in Homs Province

N. Korea Dismantling Rocket Test Site as US President Rants over Reports He Loathes Lack of Progress

N. Korea Dismantling Rocket Test Site as US President Rants over Reports He Loathes Lack of Progress

New satellite imagery showed partial dismantlement of North Korea’s satellite launch facility. It comes as the US media reported that President Donald Trump is somehow unhappy with the denuclearization progress of the Korean Peninsula.
Safe Return of Rohingyas to Myanmar 'Complex': UN Envoy

Safe Return of Rohingyas to Myanmar 'Complex': UN Envoy

Special UN Envoy to Myanmar Christine Schraner Burgener has said that the return of 900,000-plus Rohingya refugees stranded in Bangladesh to Myanmar will take time.
US Senator: No country supporting Iran’s sanctions

US Senator: No country supporting Iran’s sanctions

US Senator Chris Murphy in a message referred to Trump unilateral withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal saying no country has agreed with US sanction on Iran.
14 People Shot at in Toronto, Gunman Dead: Police

14 People Shot at in Toronto, Gunman Dead: Police

Fourteen people, including a young girl, were shot near downtown Toronto, police in the eastern Canadian city said on Sunday night, and the gunman was dead.
Thousands Rally in Munich to Protest 'Politics of Fear'

Thousands Rally in Munich to Protest 'Politics of Fear'

Thousands of people are protesting in Germany's southern city of Munich against what they say is the "politics of fear" that is pushing public debate in the country to the right.
Iran to US: Do Not Play with the Lion’s Tail

Iran to US: Do Not Play with the Lion’s Tail

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned his US counterpart not to play with the lion’s tail after Donald Trump’s push to halt Iran’s export of oil, saying a war with Iran would be “the mother of wars” and that control over the Strait of Hormuz is only one of Iran’s advantages.
Trump-Russia: FBI Releases Carter Page Wiretap Documents

Trump-Russia: FBI Releases Carter Page Wiretap Documents

The FBI has released documents related to the surveillance of former Trump presidential campaign adviser Carter Page as part of a probe into whether he conspired with the Russian government to undermine the 2016 US election.
Chinese Leader Arrives for Africa Visit as US Interest Wanes

Chinese Leader Arrives for Africa Visit as US Interest Wanes

Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives in Africa on Saturday on a four-nation visit seeking deeper military and economic ties while his rival in a bitter trade war, the Trump administration, shows little interest in the world's second most populous continent.
NFL Anthem Protest: New Policy on Hold after Talks with Players' Union

NFL Anthem Protest: New Policy on Hold after Talks with Players' Union

With just under two months until the beginning of the NFL season, the league and the NFL Players Association are working closely to find a solution around the issue that concerns the national anthem.
Last Residents Evacuated from Besieged Towns in Northwestern Syria

Last Residents Evacuated from Besieged Towns in Northwestern Syria

The evacuation from two militant-besieged towns in Northwestern Syria ended on Friday after the last 22 buses with residents were allowed to leave for Aleppo, a security source said.
JCPOA ministerial meeting may be held in New York: Russia

JCPOA ministerial meeting may be held in New York: Russia

Next ministerial meeting of the parties to the Iran nuclear deal may be held in the margin of the UN General Assembly meeting in New York in September, a Russian diplomat said on Thursday.
Trump Suggests Montenegro Could Cause World War Three: 'Very Aggressive'

Trump Suggests Montenegro Could Cause World War Three: 'Very Aggressive'

Donald Trump has drawn fresh scorn for attacking Montenegro, whose people he described as “very aggressive”, suggesting the small nation could be the cause of a third world war.
Trump, Leaders of Koreas May Meet in US Soon

Trump, Leaders of Koreas May Meet in US Soon

South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha has hinted the leaders of the two Koreas could meet with US President Donald Trump on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York this September.
Russia’s Century-Old Sunken Treasure Ship Found off S. Korean Coast

Russia’s Century-Old Sunken Treasure Ship Found off S. Korean Coast

Dmitrii Donskoi, the Russian warship that is believed to have sunk in a naval battle 113 years ago while carrying £100 billion worth of gold was discovered off the coast of South Korea.
Top Intel Official Leaving National Security Council

Top Intel Official Leaving National Security Council

A top intelligence official at the National Security Council (NSC) is reportedly leaving the White House, according to a report.
Majority of Americans Think Trump Mishandling Russia: Poll

Majority of Americans Think Trump Mishandling Russia: Poll

More than half of Americans disapprove of the way US President Donald Trump is handling relations with Russia, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted after his controversial summit and joint news conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Local GOP Leader in Ohio Resigns over Trump-Putin Summit

Local GOP Leader in Ohio Resigns over Trump-Putin Summit

The chairman of an Ohio county Republican Party resigned in protest on Monday after President Trump's Helsinki, Finland, meeting and press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Chinese official urges parties to save nuclear deal

Chinese official urges parties to save nuclear deal

Saving and implementing Iran's nuclear deal is the main obligation of signatories, a Chinese military official said.
Putin Slams 'Baseless' Allegations of Russian Role in UK Poisonings

Putin Slams 'Baseless' Allegations of Russian Role in UK Poisonings

Claims of Russia’s alleged role in poisoning incidents in the United Kingdom are baseless, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a Fox News interview on Monday.
US: Hundreds of People Protest against ICE in DC

US: Hundreds of People Protest against ICE in DC

Hundreds of people gathered in the Columbia Heights neighborhood of Northwest DC Monday night to protest against US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
EU Vows to Give Its Firms Legal Cover to Operate in Iran

EU Vows to Give Its Firms Legal Cover to Operate in Iran

EU countries gave European firms legal cover to operate in Iran despite the US pullout from the nuclear deal, after a report that the Trump administration has rejected calls by Brussels for an exemption from sanctions.
Putin: 25 Million Cyber Attacks Thwarted during World Cup

Putin: 25 Million Cyber Attacks Thwarted during World Cup

Russia's President Vladimir Putin says Russian and other security services thwarted nearly 25 million cyber attacks linked to the World Cup.
Trump Blames Bad Russia Ties on FBI 'Witch Hunt'

Trump Blames Bad Russia Ties on FBI 'Witch Hunt'

US President Donald Trump set the scene for his summit with Vladimir Putin on Monday by blaming the chill in relations with Moscow on the investigation into Russian interference in his election victory.
Protesters in Helsinki Call for Peace Ahead of Trump-Putin Summit

Protesters in Helsinki Call for Peace Ahead of Trump-Putin Summit

Around 2,500 demonstrators turned up for protest on Sunday, just one day before Trump and Putin are scheduled to hold their one-on-one meeting.
EU Official Urges Trump, Putin Not to Destroy Global Order

EU Official Urges Trump, Putin Not to Destroy Global Order

A senior European Union official on Monday urged President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin and China to work with Europe to avoid trade wars and prevent conflict and chaos.
Guardian Council Deems Bill on Iran’s Accession to FATF Unconstitutional

Guardian Council Deems Bill on Iran’s Accession to FATF Unconstitutional

Iran’s Guardian Council has rejected a parliamentary plan for the country’s accession to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the council’s spokesman said Saturday.
Protests Held in Glasgow as Trump Lands in Scotland

Protests Held in Glasgow as Trump Lands in Scotland

Hundreds of people gathered in Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city, to protest against US President Donald Trump’s visit to the UK.
Trump Hails Progress after Receiving Note from N Korea's Kim

Trump Hails Progress after Receiving Note from N Korea's Kim

Kim Jong Un told US President Donald Trump he believed their efforts could open up a “new future” between North Korea and the United States and expressed hope for “practical actions” in the future, according to a letter from the North Korean leader released on Thursday.
British, US Military Equipment Found in Terrorists' Strongholds at Syria-Jordan Border

British, US Military Equipment Found in Terrorists' Strongholds at Syria-Jordan Border

The Syrian army forces discovered British and US-made military equipment in the terrorists' strongholds near the Syria-Jordan borderline during cleansing operations in Dara'a province.