Ramezani at a student conference supporting the Palestinian Intifada;
Al-Qods is not divided / constancy of resistance and Intifada need unification of Palestinian currents

Al-Qods is not divided / constancy of resistance and Intifada need unification of Palestinian currentsAccording to international reporter of DefaPers, Ramazani, director of the Palestinian Studies Center at the Student hold up Conference of the Palestinian Intifada, said: "The ongoing Palestinian resistance and intifada are solutions that can guide to intra-Palestinian Currents and Currents outside of Palestine to stop develop Zionist plans.

He said the solution to the patience of the resistance and the intifada of unification in the Palestinian streams; the three streams of Islamic Jihad, Hamas and the Palestinian power should arrive at contract on the Palestinian topic and the topic of the Al-Qods and Al-Aqsa mosques.

He emphasized: Al-Qods cannot be divided; East Al-Qods and West Al-Qods. No discussions on Al-Qods are acceptable.

"This act has led to the unification of the Islamic Ummah on the Palestinian issue, which is based on the unification of the Islamic Ummah," said the head of the Palestine Presidential Institute's Center for Studies in the Presidency, This tramp action has led to the unification of the Islamic Ummah regarding the Palestinian topic, which, with this unification of the Islamic Ummah, could be a devastating blow to the Zionist regime and the long-term strategy of the Americans and the British.

Ramezani further considered the referendum as another solution to the Palestinian topic adding that with the go back of all Palestinian refugees, including Muslims, Christians and Palestinian Jews who previously lived in Palestine, a referendum could be held and the Palestinians themselves decide on their own fortune.

He added: "We will see a day when all the occupied territories of Palestine will be liberated and we will call unification in Al-Aqsa mosque."

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