Iran Urges Concerted Action to Help Coronavirus-Affected Nations

Iran Urges Concerted Action to Help Coronavirus-Affected NationsIn an address to a meeting of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) on Friday, Iran’s Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna Kazem Gharibabadi stressed the need for a multilateral, comprehensive, concerted and inclusive response to support the countries amid the coronavirus pandemic.

He also deplored the unilateral sanctions imposed by the US and the destructive impacts of the US administration’s move to halt funding to some international organizations, and called for collective efforts to achieve a more comprehensive, sustainable and flexible economic recovery.

Hailing UNIDO for its efforts to meet the challenges posed by the COVID-19 outbreak, Gharibabadi called for the continuation of concerted action in order to prevent a lasting destructive impact on the livelihood of people.

The Iranian diplomat also denounced any decision, attempt or stance, such as unilateral economic sanctions or cuts in funding to international organizations, that would undermine the national, regional and international potential for the fight against the coronavirus.

UNIDO has already devised a program to respond to the coronavirus emergency and help the member states recover from the socio-economic shock.

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