Iranian Military Spokesman Warns Israel of Retaliation over Assassination of IRGC Commander in Due Time

Iranian Military Spokesman Warns Israel of Retaliation over Assassination of IRGC Commander in Due TimeBrigadier General Talaei-Nik stressed Tehran’s firm determination to take revenge for the assassination of a senior military advisor of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).

“The Israeli regime should wait for the retribution of its recent terrorist attack. Waiting for the time to pay the price will torture Zionists and their elements to death,” he told a news conference on Tuesday.

Brigadier General Seyed Razi Mousavi was martyred Monday in an Israeli raid in Damascus suburb in Syria, according to a statement from IRGC public relations. He was one of the IRGC's veteran advisers in Syria and a close associate of Tehran’s anti-terror icon Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, who was assassinated in a US terror attack in Iraq in January 2020.

Iran maintains an advisory mission in the war-ravaged country at the request of Damascus, helping it in the face of foreign-backed terrorism. Several members of the IRGC have so far been martyred in battle against terrorists in Syria. Israel has been a key supporter of the terrorist groups during the war and has frequently targeted military positions inside Syria.

Iran will deliver a “mighty and wise response” to the Israeli strike at the appropriate time, location and method in such a way that the Zionist regime’s purposes in carrying out these terror attacks won’t be fulfilled.