Iran Celebrates 45th Anniversary of Islamic Revolution

Iran Celebrates 45th Anniversary of Islamic RevolutionThe rallies on the national holiday of “Bahman 22nd” began at 9 am local time in more than 1,400 cities and towns as well as 35,000 villages across Iran.
People from different walks of life have attended the processions with flags of Iran and banners in support of the Islamic Republic to mark the Revolution’s victory anniversary.
In the capital Tehran, demonstrators march across 13 different routes to reach the Azadi (Liberty) Square, where Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is going to give an address.

Hundreds of foreign guests, including scientific, political, and influential figures have traveled to Iran for the event, which is also a great opportunity for reporters.
Over 7,300 Iranian and foreign cameramen and journalists cover the massive rallies in Tehran and other cities.
The organizers have set up 2,500 pavilions in Tehran that provide various services to demonstrators in the streets.
The events marking the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution’s victory have been held in over 70 countries across the world.

Iranian political and military officials have also attended the rallies along with other people to rejoice at the auspicious ceremony.
The crowd of demonstrators in the rallies paid tribute to the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, under whose leadership the revolutionary movements triumphed over the despotic regime of Pahlavi on February 11, 1979.
Imam Khomeini had lived many years in exile, in Iraq and France, before returning home and leading a historical revolution that overthrew the Pahlavi regime.
The 10 days from the return of Imam Khomeini until the revolution’s victory is celebrated annually in Iran, and is known as the Ten-Day Fajr (Dawn).