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Iran’s President Proposes 10 Ideas in Support of Gaza

Addressing an extraordinary summit of the OIC in Saudi Arabia, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi drew up ten proposals for urgent action to stop the Israeli regime’s onslaught against Gaza and help the Palestinian people in the besieged enclave.
News ID: 84418
Publish Date: 12November 2023 - 09:45

Iran’s President Proposes 10 Ideas in Support of GazaThe Iranian president was one of the speakers at the joint meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Arab League on the issue of Gaza, which was held in Riyadh on Saturday afternoon.

In his speech, Raisi stated that Gaza is the scene of confrontation between the axis of honor and the axis of evil and everyone should determine which line they are on.

Slamming the US government as the mastermind and main accomplice to the Zionist crimes against the oppressed people of Gaza in the last five weeks, Raisi said, "Now that the international assemblies under the influence of America are suffering from indecisiveness, characterlessness, and the lack of identity, we must take the field."

e also called the crimes of the usurping Zionist regime in recent weeks a “historical shame” for morality, law, and humanity.

The Iranian president also reminded the Arab and Islamic countries of their responsibility towards the issue of Palestine and the oppressed people of Gaza.

Raisi further put forward 10 urgent solutions and suggestions for making decisive decisions for the benefit of the Palestinian nation, his official website reported.

The president’s proposals included "stopping the killing of the people of Gaza", "completely lifting the human blockade of Gaza", "the immediate military withdrawal of the Zionist regime from this region", "the termination of any political and economic relations with the Zionist regime by Islamic countries", "the establishment of an international court to prosecute and punish the Zionist and American criminal leaders", "establishment of a special fund for the immediate reconstruction of Gaza with the acceptance of Islamic countries" and "sending a convoy of ships carrying humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people from Islamic countries."

More than 11,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza since October 7, when Hamas fighters launched a surprise operation against Israel outside Gaza.

Palestine Red Crescent chief has told the UN Security Council that Gaza hospitals are being “deliberately targeted” to force civilians out of Gaza.

Israel’s attacks have killed 4,104 children in Gaza during the current war, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported.

These deaths have been reported over one month of violence. That’s more than 100 children killed every day on average.

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