Russia: New US Sanctions Will Have No Effect

Russia: New US Sanctions Will Have No Effect

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday that Washington’s attempts to make Moscow change its foreign political policy through imposing more sanctions will fail.
‘Will Use If Needed’: President Says Turkey Didn’t Buy S-400 from Russia ‘to Keep Them in Store’

‘Will Use If Needed’: President Says Turkey Didn’t Buy S-400 from Russia ‘to Keep Them in Store’

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Turkey didn’t acquire the Russian-built S-400 air defense systems for them to collect dust and may use them, adding the purchase was to reduce Ankara’s dependency on US arms supplies.
Aggressors’ Adventurism in Yemen’s Hudaydah to Face Defeat: Houthi LeaderAggressors’ Adventurism in Yemen’s Hudaydah to Face Defeat: Houthi Leader

Aggressors’ Adventurism in Yemen’s Hudaydah to Face Defeat: Houthi LeaderAggressors’ Adventurism in Yemen’s Hudaydah to Face Defeat: Houthi Leader

The chairman of Yemen’s Supreme Revolutionary Committee condemned recent attacks launched by the Saudi-led coalition on Yemen’s western port of Hudaydah and said the aggressors’ adventurism in the region will definitely end in defeat.
A leading Algerian Sufi master has warned Iran against the enemy conspiracies and traps, saying dragging Iran into a war will harm all Muslims.
Algerian Sufi head warns Iran to avoid traps

A leading Algerian Sufi master has warned Iran against the enemy conspiracies and traps, saying dragging Iran into a war will harm all Muslims.

'Some parties, by hatching plots, are trying to drag Iran into a war,' Khaled Bentounes, Head of the Al’ Alawiya Sufi order told.
Trump Says He Will Stop 'War Games' with South Korea

Trump Says He Will Stop 'War Games' with South Korea

The US will stop holding military exercises on the Korean peninsula, President Donald Trump said Tuesday after his summit with the North’s leader Kim Jong Un.
Several Iraqi Refugees Killed in US Air Raid in Northeastern Syria

Several Iraqi Refugees Killed in US Air Raid in Northeastern Syria

The US-led coalition warplanes bombed heavily a school in Southern Hasaka, killing 18 Iraqi civilians, a media source reported on Tuesday.
Kim, Trump Sign Document Following Talks in Singapore

Kim, Trump Sign Document Following Talks in Singapore

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump signed an unspecified document, after they met at the Capella Hotel on Singapore's Sentosa Island on Tuesday morning.“We’ve developed a very special bond,” Trump said, sitting next to “chairman” Kim after what he called an “intensive time” together, World News reported.
SCO summit stressed implementation of JCPOA commitments

SCO summit stressed implementation of JCPOA commitments

Iran’s FM Zarif said Sun. that a part of the 18th summit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was devoted to voicing unanimous support of member states for the implementation of the Iran nuclear deal.
Report: China Hacked US Navy Undersea Warfare Plans

Report: China Hacked US Navy Undersea Warfare Plans

Chinese government hackers have reportedly infiltrated the computers of a US navy contractor and stolen a large amount of highly sensitive data on undersea warfare.
Iran Parliament to mark 2017 terrorist attack anniv.

Iran Parliament to mark 2017 terrorist attack anniv.

The 1st anniversary of a terrorist attack on Iran Majlis (Parliament) is scheduled to be held on Sunday.
UN: 1.25 Million Somali Children Face Acute Malnourishment after Floods

UN: 1.25 Million Somali Children Face Acute Malnourishment after Floods

The UN Children's Agency (UNICEF) said more than 1.25 million children are expected to be acutely malnourished this year because of flooding in Somalia.
99 Killed In Guatemala Volcano Eruptions

99 Killed In Guatemala Volcano Eruptions

The death toll from the eruption of the Fuego volcano in Guatemala has risen to 99 as more bodies were found Wednesday, according to Guatemala's National Forensic Sciences Institute (INACIF).
Israeli Forces Launch Fresh Arrest Campaigns in West Bank, Jerusalem

Israeli Forces Launch Fresh Arrest Campaigns in West Bank, Jerusalem

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) launched renewed arrest campaigns in the West Bank and Jerusalem at dawn Wednesday, kidnapping 13 Palestinian citizens, including ex-detainees, from their homes.
Former CIA Director Rips State Department for Praising US President's Foreign Policies

Former CIA Director Rips State Department for Praising US President's Foreign Policies

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden ripped the State Department on Tuesday after the agency posted a tweet declaring that "US leadership is back on the world stage" thanks to President Donald Trump.
Suicide Bomber Kills at Least Eight near Peace Gathering of Afghan Clerics

Suicide Bomber Kills at Least Eight near Peace Gathering of Afghan Clerics

A suicide bomber on Monday killed at least eight people near Muslim clerics leaving a giant tent in the Afghan capital of Kabul where they had gathered to denounce terrorism and call for peace, security officials said.
Ansarallah: Yemen fighting Saudi-Israeli coalition

Ansarallah: Yemen fighting Saudi-Israeli coalition

Leader of Yemeni Ansarallah Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi referred to tracing of Israeli warplanes flying over Al Hudaydah Province, saying Yemen is fighting Saudi-Zionist coalition.
More Turkish Soldiers, Allied Militants Killed in Clashes with Kurds in Northern Syria

More Turkish Soldiers, Allied Militants Killed in Clashes with Kurds in Northern Syria

A number of Turkish troops and their allied militants were killed in heavy fighting with Kurdish militias in Afrin region in Northwestern Aleppo after two months of Turkish occupiers' control over the region, a media outlet reported on Saturday.
Trump Names Douglas Fears as Homeland Security Adviser

Trump Names Douglas Fears as Homeland Security Adviser

US President Donald Trump has tapped Rear Adm. Douglas Fears as his new homeland security adviser, the White House announced.
Calls Launched at UN Security Council for Protecting Palestinians

Calls Launched at UN Security Council for Protecting Palestinians

Kuwait on Tuesday circulated a watered-down draft UN Security Council resolution on setting up an international protection mission for the Palestinians in a bid to win European support in a vote expected this week.
Enemies seek to curb Iran oil after scrapping JCPOA
Gov. spox:

Enemies seek to curb Iran oil after scrapping JCPOA

The enemies seek to quickly curb Iran’s oil income amid new sanctions, while the government is trying hard to tackle people’s problems, according to the Iranian government spokesman.
US-Backed Kurdish Militias Plundering, Smuggling Syria's Crude Oil

US-Backed Kurdish Militias Plundering, Smuggling Syria's Crude Oil

The US forces are cooperating with the predominately Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to loot Syria's oil in the SDF-held regions in the Eastern part of the war-hit country, a media outlet reported on Tuesday.
Senior Scholar: Abu Ghraib US Human Rights Scandal with Living Legacy

Senior Scholar: Abu Ghraib US Human Rights Scandal with Living Legacy

Inaugural Michael Ratner Middle East fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC Maha Hilal underlined that although Abu Ghraib prison was closed in 2014 its horrendous legacy still lives on, turning the issue into a human rights scandal for the US.
Report: British Arms Exports to Israel Reach Record Level

Report: British Arms Exports to Israel Reach Record Level

A new report revealed that British military contractors are selling record amounts of weapons and ammunition to the Israeli regime, in the wake of an announcement by the Kensington Palace that Prince William would represent the UK government on a visit to the occupied territories next month.
Moscow hopes for activating political process in Syria

Moscow hopes for activating political process in Syria

Russian President’s special envoy for the Middle East and African countries, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said his county hopes the political process in Syria will be activated to reach a solution for the crisis and for an early resumption of Geneva talks.
Israeli Warplanes Pound Gaza Strip

Israeli Warplanes Pound Gaza Strip

Israeli warplanes bombed two Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip late on Saturday, causing no casualties, according to local sources.
Macron: Adhering to JCPOA is defending France sovereignty

Macron: Adhering to JCPOA is defending France sovereignty

French President Emanuel Macron reiterated his country’s commitment to implementing Iran nuclear deal known as JCPOA, saying that signing the deal was Paris’ choice and compliance with it is defending the sovereignty of France.
May 14th Gaza Massacre Death Toll Reaches 66

May 14th Gaza Massacre Death Toll Reaches 66

Two more Palestinians have died in Gaza, of their wounds sustained on the 14th of May.
Amnesty: Boko Haram Victims Face Abuse by Nigerian Army

Amnesty: Boko Haram Victims Face Abuse by Nigerian Army

Amnesty International claimed in a report Thursday that thousands of female victims of Boko Haram violence in Nigeria’s Northeast are being raped or forced into sexual relationships with security agents in exchange for food or security.
Syrian Army Reinvigorates Combat Capabilities in Western Aleppo

Syrian Army Reinvigorates Combat Capabilities in Western Aleppo

The Syrian Army has dispatched more troops and equipment to the Northwestern countryside of Aleppo city, preparing for an imminent anti-terrorism operation in the region, field sources reported on Wednesday.
ISIL Fails to Prevail over Syrian Army Positions in Deserts of Deir Ezzur, Homs

ISIL Fails to Prevail over Syrian Army Positions in Deserts of Deir Ezzur, Homs

The Syrian Army troops engaged in fierce clashes with ISIL in a desert-like region between Western Deir Ezzur and Eastern Homs and fended off terrorists' heavy offensive, killing or wounding a large number of the gunmen on Wednesday.
SNSC Official: Iran Never to Accept Renegotiations on N. Deal

SNSC Official: Iran Never to Accept Renegotiations on N. Deal

Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani underlined that his country will never renegotiate the 2015 nuclear deal, adding that Tehran will revise cooperation with the Europeans if they fail to defend interests of both sides.
Turkey Coup Trial: Court Sentences 104 Army Plotters to Life

Turkey Coup Trial: Court Sentences 104 Army Plotters to Life

A Turkish court handed life sentences to 104 suspects over their involvement in the July 2016 attempted coup, according to state media.
Iran hails Venezuela election as victory for democracy

Iran hails Venezuela election as victory for democracy

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi has congratulated the Venezuelan government and nation for successfully holding their presidential election, saying it was a great success for democracy in the Latin American country.
Open letter to Mogherini, European imperative to save Iran nuclear deal

Open letter to Mogherini, European imperative to save Iran nuclear deal

Iranian diplomat and former nuclear negotiator, Hossein Mousavian, on Monday released on his tweet account the text of an open letter to the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini regarding EU’s commitment to save Iran nuclear deal, known as JCPOA.
Assassination Operations Intensify in Northwestern Syria, Terrorist Groups Accusing Each Other

Assassination Operations Intensify in Northwestern Syria, Terrorist Groups Accusing Each Other

A number of terrorists, including a commander, have been killed in assassination operations in Idlib province, field sources reported on Saturday, adding that the militant groups accuse each other of the attacks.
S. Arabia Starts New Wave of Arrests over Ties with Israel

S. Arabia Starts New Wave of Arrests over Ties with Israel

Saudi authorities have arrested several activists for denouncing the industrious efforts made by Riyadh, particularly those of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, to normalize diplomatic relations with Israel.
UK Mulls Sending More Troops to Afghanistan: Report

UK Mulls Sending More Troops to Afghanistan: Report

Britain could substantially boost its troop numbers in Afghanistan following demands from US President Donald Trump that NATO members "pay their fair share", The Times reported Friday.
Holy Ramadan begins in Pakistan with religious fervor

Holy Ramadan begins in Pakistan with religious fervor

Like other Muslim countries of the world, Ramadan in Pakistan has also started with religious spirit and fervor.
Israeli Jets Hit Targets in Northern Gaza

Israeli Jets Hit Targets in Northern Gaza

Israeli fighter planes carried out bombing raids on several locations in northern Gaza, just days after the Tel Aviv regime massacred over 60 people there.
Syrian Army Wins Back Control over Key ISIL Strongholds in Southern Damascus

Syrian Army Wins Back Control over Key ISIL Strongholds in Southern Damascus

The Syrian army forces liberated several important terrorist-occupied points in Hajar al-Aswad region during an anti-ISIL military operation in Southern Damascus.
Dara'a: Syrian Army Gives Last Ultimatum to Terrorists to Surrender

Dara'a: Syrian Army Gives Last Ultimatum to Terrorists to Surrender

The Syrian Army gave a 48-hour ultimatum to the terrorist groups in Dara'a province to lay down their arms and surrender to the government forces as the armed forces are preparing for an imminent operation in region.
Syria: Army Spreads Control Over 200 sq/km in Northern Homs, Southern Hama

Syria: Army Spreads Control Over 200 sq/km in Northern Homs, Southern Hama

The Syrian Army imposed control over 200 sq/km more lands in Northern Homs and Southern Hama on Wednesday after the terrorists retreated from the region.
Kurds Continue Forced Recruitment in Northern Syria

Kurds Continue Forced Recruitment in Northern Syria

The Kurdish militants intensified forced recruitment in different areas of the town of Manbij in Northeastern Aleppo on Wednesday.
Press release on multilateral JCPOA talks in Brussels

Press release on multilateral JCPOA talks in Brussels

The foreign ministers of Iran and the E3 (France, Germany, and the UK) as well as the EU foreign policy chief have issued a statement on the result of their talks in Brussels regarding the Iran nuclear deal.
Pakistan parliament condemns Zionist assault against Palestinians

Pakistan parliament condemns Zionist assault against Palestinians

Pakistan's parliament on Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution strongly condemning the Zionist regime’s terrorism against unarmed Palestinian protestors in Gaza.
Four Bombs Go off in Idlib as Tensions among Rival Terrorists Intensify in Northwestern Syria

Four Bombs Go off in Idlib as Tensions among Rival Terrorists Intensify in Northwestern Syria

Terrorists' bases and positions suffered major damage in four bomb blasts in different regions across Idlib province on Monday, testifying to the grave security situation in militant-held regions in Northwestern Syria.
ISIL Leadership in Southern Damascus Collapsing as Syrian Army Tightens Noose on Terrorists

ISIL Leadership in Southern Damascus Collapsing as Syrian Army Tightens Noose on Terrorists

Rifts are widening among ISIL commanders amid the Syrian Army troops' devastating advances in the two main bases of the terrorists in the Southern part of Damascus province on Monday.
Terrorist Centers Come under Syrian Army's Heavy Fire in Northern Aleppo

Terrorist Centers Come under Syrian Army's Heavy Fire in Northern Aleppo

The Syrian Army opened heavy fire at terrorists' positions in Northern Aleppo on Monday after the latter pounded residential areas in the region.
Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Imposes Rule over Western Wing of ISIL's Main Base in Southern Damascus

Syria in Last 24 Hours: Army Imposes Rule over Western Wing of ISIL's Main Base in Southern Damascus

The government troops managed to impose full control over the Western side of Yarmouk Camp in Southern Damascus after pushing the terrorists further back on Sunday.
US decision on Iran Deal has no serious supporter: Afghan official

US decision on Iran Deal has no serious supporter: Afghan official

No serious support has been extended to the US President Donald Trump after his May 8 decision to unilaterally leave the Iran Deal, an Afghan official said on Monday.
Tehran rejects news on Kharrazi-Kerry meeting

Tehran rejects news on Kharrazi-Kerry meeting

Tehran's media attaché in Paris in a statement rejected the news released by some media that senior Iranian official Kamal Kharrazi has met with the former US secretary of state John Kerry.
Iran embassy congratulates holding successful elections in Iraq

Iran embassy congratulates holding successful elections in Iraq

Iran's embassy to Baghdad issued a statement on Sunday congratulating the Iraqi government and nation on holding parliamentary elections in a calm and secure atmosphere.
DM: Afghanistan Not to Turn into Platform for Enemies' Threats against Iran

DM: Afghanistan Not to Turn into Platform for Enemies' Threats against Iran

Afghan Defense Minister General Tariq Shah Bahrami appreciated Tehran for its assistance to his country in most difficult conditions, stressing that Afghanistan will not turn into a platform for threats and attacks against Iran.
Ankara Seeks to Recruit Saudi-Backed Terrorists in Northern Syria

Ankara Seeks to Recruit Saudi-Backed Terrorists in Northern Syria

Turkey is attempting to recruit the Saudi-backed militants after Jeish al-Islam and Faylaq al-Rahman terrorists left Eastern Ghouta of Damascus to Northern Syria.
Iran condemns deadly attack on Shiite mosque in Durban

Iran condemns deadly attack on Shiite mosque in Durban

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi has strongly denounced the unfair attack on a Shiite mosque in Durban, South Africa.
Syrian Army Imposes Full Control over Three Key Regions in Southern Damascus after Terrorists' Withdrawal

Syrian Army Imposes Full Control over Three Key Regions in Southern Damascus after Terrorists' Withdrawal

The Syrian Army troops seized full control over Yalda, Bebeila and Beit Saham regions in the Southern part of Damascus province after a last group of terrorists were expelled from the region on Friday.
Leader: Iran Not to Remain in JCPOA without Practical European Guarantees

Leader: Iran Not to Remain in JCPOA without Practical European Guarantees

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei urged that any decision to keep the 2015 nuclear deal running without the US should be conditional on “practical guarantees” from the three European parties to the JCPOA.
Senior Terrorist Commander Assassinated by Unknown Gunmen in Southern Syria

Senior Terrorist Commander Assassinated by Unknown Gunmen in Southern Syria

Hamada Sari al-Sharqawi, a field commander of Shohada Nowa terrorist group, was gunned down by unknown attackers in Northwestern Dara'a on Wednesday.
Hezbollah Official: US, Israel, S. Arabia Interfering in Lebanon's Elections

Hezbollah Official: US, Israel, S. Arabia Interfering in Lebanon's Elections

A senior official of Hezbollah warned that Washington, Tel Aviv and Riyadh are interfering in Lebanon's parliamentary elections to strike at the resistance group during the polling process, but ensured that the efforts would be to no avail.
ISIL Suffers Heavy Defeat in Clashes with Iraqi Forces at Border with Syria

ISIL Suffers Heavy Defeat in Clashes with Iraqi Forces at Border with Syria

The Iraqi popular forces of Hashd al-Shaabi engaged in heavy fighting with ISIL at the border with Syria on Sunday and repelled the terrorists' offensive, inflicting major losses on them.