Baku reopens border stations with Iran after liberation

Baku reopens border stations with Iran after liberation

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Republic of Azerbaijan announced the reopening of several border stations on the border with Iran after the liberation of these areas from the control of Nagorno-Karabakh.
Thousands of Yemenis Protest Macron’s Anti-Islam Comments

Thousands of Yemenis Protest Macron’s Anti-Islam Comments

TEHRAN (defapress) – Thousands of Yemenis held a protest in the Arab country’s southwestern province of Taiz against French President Emmanuel Macron’s anti-Islam remarks and republication of caricatures insulting Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Hezbollah Chief Lambasts Nice Terror Attack

Hezbollah Chief Lambasts Nice Terror Attack

TEHRAN (defapress) – The secretary-general of the Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement condemned a terror attack that killed people at a church in France’s southern city of Nice, stressing that Islam forbids killing innocent people and categorically rejects such crimes.
US-Backed SDF Militants Responsible for Smuggling Syrian Crude Oil Killed in Deir Ezzur

US-Backed SDF Militants Responsible for Smuggling Syrian Crude Oil Killed in Deir Ezzur

TEHRAN (defapress)- Unidentified armed men have reportedly shot dead a senior militant affiliated with the Kurdish-led and US-sponsored Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), who was chiefly responsible for smuggling crude from oilfields in Syria’s Eastern province of Deir Ezzur.
India Declines Purchase of US Armed Predator-B Drones despite Pompeo-Esper Push

India Declines Purchase of US Armed Predator-B Drones despite Pompeo-Esper Push

TEHRAN (defapress) - The Indian government has resisted American pressure over the purchase of state-of-the-art armed Predator-B drones, also called the MQ-9 Reaper, during the recently held 2+2 ministerial-level dialogue in New Delhi.
7 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Western Turkey, Greece

7 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Western Turkey, Greece

TEHRAN (defapress) – A strong earthquake of magnitude of up to 7.0 struck the Aegean Sea on Friday and was felt in both Turkey and Greece.
Report on Human Rights Situation in Iran Part of US Maximum Pressure

Report on Human Rights Situation in Iran Part of US Maximum Pressure

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iran’s representative to the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee, Mohammad Zare’iyan, deplored a new report by the UN rights rapporteur on the human rights situation in his country as part of the US "maximum pressure" strategy aiming to further hurt the Iranian nation.
Hamas Denounces Sudan’s Normalization with Israel

Hamas Denounces Sudan’s Normalization with Israel

TEHRAN (defapress)- The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas denounced Sudan’s current junta for its decision to follow suit amid normalization of relations between certain Persian Gulf Arab countries and the Israeli regime.
French Cartoons Provocative to Islam, Beliefs

French Cartoons Provocative to Islam, Beliefs

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas slammed France for publishing cartoons that insult Islamic sanctities.
Yemeni Drones Hit Airbase in Southwest Saudi Arabia

Yemeni Drones Hit Airbase in Southwest Saudi Arabia

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Yemeni military carried out retaliatory attacks on an airbase in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern province of Asir, using domestically-manufactured combat drones.
Azerbaijan ready to hold talk on ceasefire in Karabakh

Azerbaijan ready to hold talk on ceasefire in Karabakh

TEHRAN (defapress) – Azerbaijan's President Aliyev announced that Baku is ready to hold talks with Armenia on a ceasefire in Karabakh.
Palestinian Teenager Dies After Being Acutely Beaten by Israeli Soldiers

Palestinian Teenager Dies After Being Acutely Beaten by Israeli Soldiers

TEHRAN (defapress)- A Palestinian teenager was martyred early Friday morning after he was severely beaten by Israeli occupation soldiers near the village of Turmus-Ayya, to the Northeast of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, according to Palestinian security and medical sources.
Palestinian Presidency Condemns Israeli-Sudanese Normalization Deal

Palestinian Presidency Condemns Israeli-Sudanese Normalization Deal

TEHRAN (defapress)- The Presidency of the State of Palestine expressed on Friday its condemnation and rejection of the Israeli-Sudanese deal on normalizing the relations between the two counties, saying it will take the necessary decisions to protect the legitimate interests and rights of the Palestinian people.
Alliance Chief Says NATO Has Reduced Number of Troops in Afghanistan to Under 12,000

Alliance Chief Says NATO Has Reduced Number of Troops in Afghanistan to Under 12,000

TEHRAN (defapress)- NATO has reduced its military personnel in Afghanistan to fewer than 12,000, the Alliance's Chief Jens Stoltenberg stated.
Pakistan to mull over aspects of lifting Iran’s arms embargo

Pakistan to mull over aspects of lifting Iran’s arms embargo

TEHRAN (defapress) – Pakistan Foreign Minister said that his country will examine aspects of lifting arms embargo on the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Hariri Likely to Secure Parliamentary Support to Be Lebanon's Next PM

Hariri Likely to Secure Parliamentary Support to Be Lebanon's Next PM

TEHRAN (defapress) – Saad al-Hariri secured enough support in parliamentary talks on Thursday to be named Lebanon’s prime minister and try to form a government to tackle the worst crisis since the country’s 1975-1990 civil war.
Iran, Iraq Discuss Implementation of Bilateral Deals

Iran, Iraq Discuss Implementation of Bilateral Deals

TEHRAN (defapress) – Diplomatic delegations from Iran and Iraq weighed plans to carry out the agreements the two neighbors have reached in the past.
Israeli Warplanes, Helicopters Launch Fresh Air Raids in Gaza

Israeli Warplanes, Helicopters Launch Fresh Air Raids in Gaza

TEHRAN (defapress)- Israeli fighter jets and helicopters carried out fresh strikes on the besieged Gaza Strip, targeting farmlands in the coastal enclave.
Withdrawal of US Forces from Afghanistan to Continue by Yearend
Abdullah Abdullah:

Withdrawal of US Forces from Afghanistan to Continue by Yearend

TEHRAN (defapress)- Head of Afghanistan’s High Council for National Reconciliation Abdullah Abdullah announced that the US army will continue pulling out its forces from Afghanistan by the end of the year.
US, Western Intelligence Services Behind Creation of Takfiri Terrorist Groups

US, Western Intelligence Services Behind Creation of Takfiri Terrorist Groups

TEHRAN (defapress)- The leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement held the United States and Western intelligence services responsible for the creation of Takfiri terrorist groups, saying France's external intelligence agency plays a significant role in this regard.
Iraq Launches Major Operation against Daesh in Mosul

Iraq Launches Major Operation against Daesh in Mosul

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iraqi forces launched a major operation in Mosul, the center of Nineveh, to clear the area of the remnants of Daesh terrorists.
Hashd al-Sha’abi thwarts 3 ISIL attacks in Samarra

Hashd al-Sha’abi thwarts 3 ISIL attacks in Samarra

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iraq's Popular Mobilization Units, also known as Hashd al-Sha’abi forces have thwarted three ISIL's terrorist operations against Samarra in the past 72 hours.
Israel’s New Settlement Plan Result of Arab Normalization Deals

Israel’s New Settlement Plan Result of Arab Normalization Deals

TEHRAN (defapress)- Palestinian resistance movement Hamas said Israel’s approval of the construction of nearly 5,000 settler units in the occupied West Bank — a brazen violation of international law — is the result of normalization deals between Arab regimes and Tel Aviv.
Aliyev rejects allegations on Iran’s arms transfer to Armenia

Aliyev rejects allegations on Iran’s arms transfer to Armenia

TEHRAN (defapress) – Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev dismissed as lies allegations by some media outlets about the transfer of weapons and military equipment to Armenia through the territory of the Islamic Republic.
Yemen, Saudi-Led Coalition to Begin Swap of over 1,000 Prisoners

Yemen, Saudi-Led Coalition to Begin Swap of over 1,000 Prisoners

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Yemeni army and Popular Committees and the Saudi-led coalition will exchange some 1,081 prisoners Thursday and Friday, under a deal struck in Switzerland last month, a senior Yemeni official said Thursday.
Missile Hits Iran’s East Azarbaijan Province

Missile Hits Iran’s East Azarbaijan Province

TEHRAN (defapress)- An official in East Azarbaijan said that a missile fired by the warring sides in Karabakh conflict has hit Heris County, 70 kilometers Northeast of Tabriz on Tuesday.
All Weapons Must Be Pointed at US Positions in Iraq
Kata’ib Hezbollah:

All Weapons Must Be Pointed at US Positions in Iraq

TEHRAN (defapress)- Amid threats of a US war against Iraq’s anti-terrorism resistance groups, a prominent faction of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units — better known as Hash al-Sha’abi —reiterated its readiness to end the US military presence in the Arab country, saying all weapons should be pointed at American positions on Iraqi soil.
Israel Targets Lebanese Fishermen on Eve of Maritime Border Talks

Israel Targets Lebanese Fishermen on Eve of Maritime Border Talks

TEHRAN (defapress)- Israeli naval forces reportedly transgressed upon Lebanon’s maritime border, opening fire on Lebanese fishermen on the eve of high-stakes maritime border talks between the occupying regime and Beirut.
Lebanon's Bassil Criticizes Hariri Efforts to Form Government

Lebanon's Bassil Criticizes Hariri Efforts to Form Government

TEHRAN (defapress) – Lebanese Christian politician Gebran Bassil criticized former prime minister Sa'ad al-Hariri for putting himself forward to lead a government.
Hezbollah, Amal Oppose Lebanon’s Team in Demarcation Talks with Israel

Hezbollah, Amal Oppose Lebanon’s Team in Demarcation Talks with Israel

TEHRAN (defapress) – Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Amal movements expressed their opposition to the makeup of the delegation tasked with negotiating the country’s southern border demarcation with occupied Palestine, calling for changes to the team ahead of the first round of talks.
Baghdad keen on boosting financial coop. with Tehran
Iraqi CBI Gov. :

Baghdad keen on boosting financial coop. with Tehran

TEHRAN (defapress) – In a meeting with his Iranian counterpart, the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq said, “Iraq is trying to improve banking cooperation with Iran via adopting some mechanisms in order to resolve the current banking issues."
US Military Brings 30-Truck Convoy into Syria’s Oil-Rich Hasaka

US Military Brings 30-Truck Convoy into Syria’s Oil-Rich Hasaka

TEHRAN (defapress)- A US military convoy of 30 vehicles, loaded with logistic reinforcement, has arrived in Syria’s oil-rich Northeastern province of Hasaka, media report said.
Roadside Bomb Strikes US-Led Coalition Convoy Southeast of Baghdad

Roadside Bomb Strikes US-Led Coalition Convoy Southeast of Baghdad

TEHRAN (defapress)- A roadside bomb has exploded near a convoy of trucks carrying equipment belonging to the US-led military coalition purportedly formed to fight the Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) terrorist group in Iraq’s Southern province of al-Muthanna.
Saudi Arabia, UAE Are Neo-Nazi Regimes of Present Era
Yemeni PM:

Saudi Arabia, UAE Are Neo-Nazi Regimes of Present Era

TEHRAN (defapress)- The prime minister of Yemen's National Salvation Government condemned Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates for their double-standard in the devastating war on Yemen, saying the both regimes are exterminating the Yemeni people while commemorating the death of thousands of Jews during Germany’s Nazi era.
Assassination A Typical US Policy Tool

Assassination A Typical US Policy Tool

TEHRAN (defapress) – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad rebuked his US counterpart, Donald Trump, for his earlier intention to kill the Syrian leader, saying assassination is nothing new but rather a typical policy tool of America.
Syria President Blasts Erdogan for Sending Militants to Karabakh

Syria President Blasts Erdogan for Sending Militants to Karabakh

TEHRAN (defapress) – Syrian President Bashar Assad slammed his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan for instigating the ongoing war between Armenian and Azeri forces by sending Takfiri militants to the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.
Turkey Says France’s Macron ‘Sowing Islamophobia’

Turkey Says France’s Macron ‘Sowing Islamophobia’

TEHRAN (defapress) – Turkey accused French President Emmanuel Macron of “encouraging Islamophobia” with his recent remarks claiming that “Islam is in crisis”.
Turkish Artillery Strikes Syrian Military Positions in Idlib, No Casualties Reported

Turkish Artillery Strikes Syrian Military Positions in Idlib, No Casualties Reported

TEHRAN (defapress)- A London-based war monitoring group said Turkish military units have hit the positions of Syrian government troops in the Eastern part of the country’s Northwestern province of Idlib with no immediate report of casualties.
Documents reveal former Yemeni gov. ties with Israeli regime

Documents reveal former Yemeni gov. ties with Israeli regime

TEHRAN, Oct. 05 (MNA) – The spokesman for Yemeni Armed Forces, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, revealed on Sunday with the documents, part of the relationship of the former regime with the Zionist entity and Israeli interference in Yemen.
Assad hails Iran, Russia role in advancing Syrian peace talks

Assad hails Iran, Russia role in advancing Syrian peace talks

TEHRAN (defapress) – Syrian President Bashar al Assad said the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia have played a significant role in the development of Syria’s peace talks.
Iraqi Forces Arrest 2 Senior Daesh Members in Baghdad

Iraqi Forces Arrest 2 Senior Daesh Members in Baghdad

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iraqi security forces arrested two senior members of the Daesh terror group in the capital Baghdad, according to Iraq’s Interior Ministry.
'Palestine Not A Banana Republic'
Fatah to Pompeo:

'Palestine Not A Banana Republic'

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Palestinian Fatah movement directed sharp criticism at US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for his recent call to replace the Palestinian leadership.
Al-Kadhimi assesses Iran-Iraq relations as good

Al-Kadhimi assesses Iran-Iraq relations as good

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi described his country's relations with Iran as good and said there are no real problems in the relations between the two countries.
Iran, Syria discuss development of bilateral coop.

Iran, Syria discuss development of bilateral coop.

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian Minister of Labor, Cooperatives and Social Welfare Mohammad Shariatmadari met and held talks with Syrian Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Salwa Abdullah through videoconference.
Iranian, Syrian Envoys in Russia Urge Promotion of Ties

Iranian, Syrian Envoys in Russia Urge Promotion of Ties

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian and Syrian ambassadors to Russia underlined bolstering of mutual cooperation in various fields, and denounced compromise deal of some Arab regimes with Israel.
Erdogan Says Turkey Expects Azerbaijan to ‘Liberate Its Territories’ in Karabakh

Erdogan Says Turkey Expects Azerbaijan to ‘Liberate Its Territories’ in Karabakh

TEHRAN (defapress)- Ankara expects Azerbaijan to "liberate its territories" in Nagorno-Karabakh, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday.
Iraqi Troops Repel Major Daesh Attack on Diyala

Iraqi Troops Repel Major Daesh Attack on Diyala

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iraqi forces thwarted a major attack by Daesh (ISIS or ISIS) terrorists on Diyala, northeast of Baqubah.
Turkey Rejects EU Threat of Sanctions over Eastern Mediterranean

Turkey Rejects EU Threat of Sanctions over Eastern Mediterranean

TEHRAN (defapress) - The European Union could impose sanctions on Ankara if Turkish "provocations and pressures" continue in the East Mediterranean.
Syria Rejects Any Deal with Israel That Will Cause Harm to Palestinian Cause

Syria Rejects Any Deal with Israel That Will Cause Harm to Palestinian Cause

TEHRAN (defapress)- A Syrian diplomat said his country will never clinch an agreement with the Israeli regime that will undermine the interests of the Arab world, particularly the Palestinian cause.
Damascus rules out any agreements Israeli regime

Damascus rules out any agreements Israeli regime

TEHRAN (defapress) – Syria has underlined its rejection of any agreement with the Israeli regime, noting that the regime is harming the Arab cause and especially the Palestinian cause.
Yemeni court issues death sentence for Trump, MBS

Yemeni court issues death sentence for Trump, MBS

TEHRAN (defapress) – A criminal court in Saada has sentenced ten, including US President Donald Trump and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salam, to death for an attack on a Yemeni school bus claimed that 51 lives and injured 79 in 2018.
Kuwait will remain loyal to Palestinian cause
new Emir:

Kuwait will remain loyal to Palestinian cause

TEHRAN (defapress) – New Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Nawaf al-Ahmad al-Sabah said that the country will remain loyal to the Palestinian cause.
Nawaf Al-Ahmad Takes Oath as Emir of Kuwait

Nawaf Al-Ahmad Takes Oath as Emir of Kuwait

TEHRAN (defapress) – Sheikh Nawaf al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah was sworn in as emir of Kuwait on Wednesday, succeeding the late Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah.
Iraq's Popular Forces Repel Daesh Attack in Salahuddin

Iraq's Popular Forces Repel Daesh Attack in Salahuddin

TEHRAN (defapress) – Members of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), also known as Hashd al-Shaabi forces, thwarted a major attack by Daesh terrorists in the northwestern province of Salahuddin.
Journos Gather ‘War Crime’ Evidence at Scene of Saudi-Led Airstrike
Yemen War:

Journos Gather ‘War Crime’ Evidence at Scene of Saudi-Led Airstrike

TEHRAN (defapress)- A group of journalists looked for evidence of war crime at the scene of a recent massacre of civilians, including children, during a Saudi Arabia-led strike that targeted a civilian home near Yemen’s border with the kingdom.
Hassan Nasrallah to deliver speech on Tuesday

Hassan Nasrallah to deliver speech on Tuesday

TEHRAN (defapress) – Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah is to deliver a speech on Tuesday.
US Meddling Cause of Destruction, Killing in Yemen
Yemen's Ansarullah:

US Meddling Cause of Destruction, Killing in Yemen

TEHRAN (defapress)- Chairman of Yemeni Ansarullah's Supreme Revolutionary Committee Mohammed Ali al-Houthi blasted the US and the West for bringing about death and destruction in Yemen.
Foreign Ministers Weigh Plans to Boost Iran-Iraq Ties

Foreign Ministers Weigh Plans to Boost Iran-Iraq Ties

TEHRAN (defapress) – The foreign ministers of Iran and Iraq held a meeting in Tehran to discuss a broad range of political and regional issues, including plans to broaden relations between the two Muslim neighbors.
Ankara Lashes Out at Pelosi for Suggesting Turkey Not Democratic

Ankara Lashes Out at Pelosi for Suggesting Turkey Not Democratic

TEHRAN (defapress)- The Turkish foreign minister slammed US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “blatant ignorance” for suggesting that Turkey is not democratic.
Iraq Plans to Build Nuclear Reactor for Research Purposes

Iraq Plans to Build Nuclear Reactor for Research Purposes

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iraq’s Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi has ordered the formation of a committee tasked to build a nuclear reactor for research purposes, the Iraqi Radioactive Sources Regulatory Authority (IRSRA) revealed.