Ankara Lashes Out at Pelosi for Suggesting Turkey Not Democratic

Ankara Lashes Out at Pelosi for Suggesting Turkey Not Democratic

TEHRAN (defapress)- The Turkish foreign minister slammed US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “blatant ignorance” for suggesting that Turkey is not democratic.
Iraq Plans to Build Nuclear Reactor for Research Purposes

Iraq Plans to Build Nuclear Reactor for Research Purposes

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iraq’s Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi has ordered the formation of a committee tasked to build a nuclear reactor for research purposes, the Iraqi Radioactive Sources Regulatory Authority (IRSRA) revealed.
Lebanese PM-designate Mustapha Adib steps down

Lebanese PM-designate Mustapha Adib steps down

TEHRAN (defapress) – Lebanon's prime minister-designate Mustapha Adib stepped down after failing to form a cabinet.
Ten Killed in Yemen Army's Attack on Saudi Base

Ten Killed in Yemen Army's Attack on Saudi Base

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Yemeni army backed by Popular Committees launched a retaliatory missile attack against a military base near the Saudi border, killing at least ten.
No Foreign Pilgrim Allowed Entry into Iraq for Arbaeen

No Foreign Pilgrim Allowed Entry into Iraq for Arbaeen

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iraq’s ambassador to Tehran reiterated that his country would not grant any foreign pilgrim entry for this year’s Arbaeen season as part of the coronavirus restrictions.
60 US Trucks Loaded with Military Equipment Enter Syria’s Hasaka

60 US Trucks Loaded with Military Equipment Enter Syria’s Hasaka

TEHRAN (defapress)- A US convoy of 60 trucks, loaded with military and logistic reinforcement, arrived in Syria’s Northeastern province of Hasaka.
US, Israel Source of All Acts of Evil in World
Yemen’s Ansarullah Leader:

US, Israel Source of All Acts of Evil in World

TEHRAN (defapress)- The leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement censured the United States and Israel over their fiendish policies and conspiracies against world nations, saying Washington and Tel Aviv are the main source of all evil acts across the globe.
Turkey Blasts EU for Sanctioning Turkish Firm

Turkey Blasts EU for Sanctioning Turkish Firm

TEHRAN (defapress)- Turkey on Tuesday criticized a decision by the European Union to impose sanctions on a Turkish maritime company.
Hamas Asks Arab Regimes to Listen to Their People Voice

Hamas Asks Arab Regimes to Listen to Their People Voice

TEHRAN (defapress)- The Hamas Movement applauded the popular anti-normalization protests that were organized in many Arab countries, including Bahrain, and called on the Arab governments to listen to the voice of their people.
Kuwaiti Parties Dismiss Trump Allegation Kingdom Will Normalize Ties with Israel Soon

Kuwaiti Parties Dismiss Trump Allegation Kingdom Will Normalize Ties with Israel Soon

TEHRAN (defapress)- A number of Kuwaiti political parties have roundly condemned US President Donald Trump’s claim that the Persian Gulf kingdom may soon normalize relations with Israel after the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain signed normalization agreements with the Tel Aviv regime at the White House earlier this week.
Attack on US army's convoy in Iraq's Babil Prov.

Attack on US army's convoy in Iraq's Babil Prov.

TEHRAN (defapress) – A convoy of US military forces has been targeted in Hillah city in Iraqi province of Babil on Monday morning.
9 Still Missing After Beirut Port Blast
Lebanon Army:

9 Still Missing After Beirut Port Blast

TEHRAN (defapress)- The Lebanese army said on Saturday that nine people were still missing after last month’s explosion at the Beirut port.
Palestinian Head Under Pressure to Talk to US

Palestinian Head Under Pressure to Talk to US

TEHRAN (defapress)- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas refused to negotiate with the US although he was under pressure from Arab countries, a Fatah movement official said Sunday.
Hezbollah Censures US Administration for Obstructing Lebanon's Government Formation

Hezbollah Censures US Administration for Obstructing Lebanon's Government Formation

TEHRAN (defapress)- The Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement denounced the United States over blocking efforts to establish a new government in the Arab country, which is grappling with its worst economic crisis in decades.
Erdogan Tells Merkel European States Should Be Fair in E.Med

Erdogan Tells Merkel European States Should Be Fair in E.Med

TEHRAN (defapress)- Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday held a video conference and discussed matters pertaining to the Eastern Mediterranean.
Yemen Reiterates Support for Palestine, Slams Normalization Deals

Yemen Reiterates Support for Palestine, Slams Normalization Deals

TEHRAN (defapress) – Yemen’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated the country’s support for the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people to restore their usurped rights and establish their independent state with Jerusalem al-Quds as its capital.
Iraqi Intelligence Officers Arrest 10 Daesh Terrorists in Nineveh

Iraqi Intelligence Officers Arrest 10 Daesh Terrorists in Nineveh

TEHRAN (defapress) – The intelligence service of the Iraqi Ministry of Interior announced on Wednesday that it had arrested ten Daesh militants in Nineveh province.
India Says Ready for All Eventualities with China

India Says Ready for All Eventualities with China

TEHRAN (defapress)- India is determined to protect its sovereignty and territorial integrity and is prepared to deal with all contingencies, the country’s defense minister said on Tuesday amid an ongoing border standoff with China.
Advisor warns of Zionists’ new way of occupying PG states

Advisor warns of Zionists’ new way of occupying PG states

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian Parliament Speaker's Special Aide for International Affairs warned the rulers of the UAE and Bahrain of the Israeli regime’s “new approach” for occupying the Persian Gulf countries.
Palestine not to give up resistance against Israeli occupiers

Palestine not to give up resistance against Israeli occupiers

TEHRAN (defapress) – The leader of Palestine’s Islamic Jihad stressed the resistance movement’s continued battle against the occupying regime of Israel despite all pressures.
Lebanese Army Intercepts, Shoots Down Intruding Israeli Reconnaissance Drone

Lebanese Army Intercepts, Shoots Down Intruding Israeli Reconnaissance Drone

TEHRAN (defapress)- Lebanese military forces intercepted and targeted an Israeli unmanned aerial vehicle as it was on a reconnaissance mission in the skies over the Southern part of the country, only about two weeks after Hezbollah resistance fighters shot down an Israeli aircraft in a similar incident.
Hamas Censures Arab League over Refusal to Decry UAE-Israel Normalization Deal

Hamas Censures Arab League over Refusal to Decry UAE-Israel Normalization Deal

TEHRAN (defapress)- The Palestinian Hamas resistance movement denounced the Arab League over its failure to condemn last month's deal between the United Arab Emirates and Israel on establishment of full diplomatic relations, saying it amounts to “official Arab legislation for normalization”.
Syrian Air Defense Units Intercept, Destroy Israeli Missiles over Aleppo

Syrian Air Defense Units Intercept, Destroy Israeli Missiles over Aleppo

TEHRAN (defapress)- Syrian air defenses thwarted another Israeli act of aggression against the war-ravaged Arab country, and shot down a number of “hostile” missiles in the skies over the strategic Northwestern province of Aleppo.
Ankara Warns EU to Stay Out of Its Mediterranean Dispute with Greece

Ankara Warns EU to Stay Out of Its Mediterranean Dispute with Greece

TEHRAN (defapress)- The EU has no jurisdiction over maritime boundaries and should remain unbiased in Turkey’s dispute with Greece in the Mediterranean, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu warned the European Parliament.
Pakistan Lawmaker Warns of Nuclear War over Kashmir

Pakistan Lawmaker Warns of Nuclear War over Kashmir

TEHRAN (defapress)- A Pakistani lawmaker on Monday urged the international community, including the UN, to swiftly act to sop “genocide” of Kashmiris by Indian security forces, warning the world against a “brewing” nuclear conflict on the long-smoldering Kashmir dispute.
Yemeni Drones Target Saudi Airport Again

Yemeni Drones Target Saudi Airport Again

TEHRAN (defapress) – Yemeni forces launched a fourth round of drone strikes against an airport in Saudi Arabia’s southwestern region of Asir in less than a week.
Yemen’s Army Retakes Key Area in Ma’rib

Yemen’s Army Retakes Key Area in Ma’rib

TEHRAN (defapress) - Yemen’s army stepped up their attacks against Saudi-backed militants in Ma’rib, managing to recapture a strategic area in the central province.
Hamas Says It Has Missiles That Can Hit Tel Aviv

Hamas Says It Has Missiles That Can Hit Tel Aviv

TEHRAN (defapress) – The head of the political bureau of the Gaza-based Hamas warned Israel that the Palestinian resistance movement has missiles capable of striking the city of Tel Aviv, Israel’s commercial and cultural center, and areas beyond it.
Saudi Airport Targeted by Yemeni Drones in Retaliatory Attack
Army Spokesman:

Saudi Airport Targeted by Yemeni Drones in Retaliatory Attack

TEHRAN (defapress) – The spokesman for the Yemeni armed forces said the Yemeni army's drones struck military positions and sensitive targets at Abha International Airport in southern Saudi Arabia with high precision.
Hamas, Hezbollah Put Up United Front Against Israel
Palestinian-Lebanese Alliance:

Hamas, Hezbollah Put Up United Front Against Israel

TEHRAN (defapress)- Hamas Political Bureau chief and Hezbollah secretary general agreed on further strengthening of relations and coordination between the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance movements in the face of growing threats from their common enemy, Israel.
Saudi fighter jets bomb Sa'dah in Yemen

Saudi fighter jets bomb Sa'dah in Yemen

TEHRAN (defapress) – A number of Yemeni civilians were wounded following the massive bombardment of Yemen's Sa'dah province by Saudi fighter jets.
Hamas Urges Palestinian Unity Against US, Israel Schemes

Hamas Urges Palestinian Unity Against US, Israel Schemes

TEHRAN (defapress)- The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas strongly urges all Palestinian factions to sew up their differences in the face of measures targeting the Palestinian cause by the United States, Israel, and treacherous Arab regimes.
Al-Qaeda Joining Saudi-Led Forces in Ma'rib Province
Yemeni Govt.:

Al-Qaeda Joining Saudi-Led Forces in Ma'rib Province

TEHRAN (defapress)- The deputy foreign minister of Yemen's National Salvation Government based in Sana'a warned that al-Qaeda forces are joining Saudi-led mercenaries in the strategic central Ma'rib province.
Afghanistan to Move to Qatar Seven Prisoners Sought by Taliban

Afghanistan to Move to Qatar Seven Prisoners Sought by Taliban

TEHRAN (defapress) – Afghanistan will transfer to Qatar seven prisoners whose release has been demanded by the Taliban ahead of peace talks set to start this week, officials of both warring sides, as well as Western diplomats, said on Thursday.
Syria Thwarts Fresh Israeli Missile Attack on T4 Airbase

Syria Thwarts Fresh Israeli Missile Attack on T4 Airbase

TEHRAN (defapress)- The Syrian air defenses foiled a fresh Israeli missile attack against the T4 airbase in Central Syria.
Syrian Air Defense Systems Repel Arial Attack on Damascus

Syrian Air Defense Systems Repel Arial Attack on Damascus

TEHRAN (defapress) – Syria’s air defense systems foiled an Israeli missile strike against military sites in southern Damascus.
Iran’s Exports to Iraq on Rise

Iran’s Exports to Iraq on Rise

TEHRAN (defapress) – A senior member of the Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce announced that the value of Iranian exports to Iraq during a period of five months from March to August stood at 2.4 billion dollars.
Pakistan slams Indian forces’ firing at Kashmiri mourners

Pakistan slams Indian forces’ firing at Kashmiri mourners

TEHRAN (defapress) – In a statement on Sunday, Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry "strongly condemned" the firing of pellets and tear gas against those attending the Muharram procession in Kashmir.
Afghan President Names Council to Advise Negotiators

Afghan President Names Council to Advise Negotiators

TEHRAN (defapress) – Afghan President Ashraf Ghani named 48 people who will decide the negotiation strategy for a meeting with the Taliban.
Israeli Tanks Shell Southern Gaza on 24th Day of Attacks

Israeli Tanks Shell Southern Gaza on 24th Day of Attacks

TEHRAN (defapress)- Israeli tanks shelled the Southern part of the Gaza Strip for a 24th straight day of incessant attacks by the occupying regime against the besieged territory.
Sheikh Qassim deplores notmalization of ties with Zionists

Sheikh Qassim deplores notmalization of ties with Zionists

TEHRAN (defapress) – Bahrain's leading Shia cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Ahmed Qassim said everyone devoted to Imam Hussein (AS) must stand up against normalization of ties with the Zionists.
Victory Belongs to Resistance Axis

Victory Belongs to Resistance Axis

TEHRAN (defapress) – The secretary general of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement said the region today is divided into two camps, right and wrong, stressing that victory belongs to the first camp, namely the axis of resistance.
Iran, Iraq stress boosting scientific ties via MoU

Iran, Iraq stress boosting scientific ties via MoU

TEHRAN (defapress) –Director-General of Non-Iranian Students Affairs stressed on inking MoU to boost scientific cooperation between Iraq and Iran and to transfer the experience of Iranian knowledge-based firms to Iraq.
Astana guarantor states condemn US oil plans in Syria

Astana guarantor states condemn US oil plans in Syria

TEHRAN (defapress) – In a joint statement, guarantor states of Astana Format Iran, Russia, and Turkey expressed opposition to the illegal seizure of Syrian oil by the US.
Yemeni court issues death sentences for bin Salman, bin Zayed

Yemeni court issues death sentences for bin Salman, bin Zayed

TEHRAN (defapress) – A Yemeni court has sentenced Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed to death in connection with the assassination of the former head of Yemen's Supreme Political Council.
Deal with US means extension of Iraq’s occupation
Iraqi MP:

Deal with US means extension of Iraq’s occupation

TEHRAN (defapress) – A representative of the Al-Fath Coalition in the Iraqi Parliament said closing a deal with the US to keep the American troops in Iraq will not help preserve peace and stability in the country.
Hezbollah Shoots Down Israeli Spy Drone in South Lebanon

Hezbollah Shoots Down Israeli Spy Drone in South Lebanon

TEHRAN (defapress) – Hezbollah downed an Israeli drone that breached Lebanese airspace over a south Lebanon border town Saturday afternoon.
Rights Groups Denounce Israel’s Imprisonment of Sheikh Salah

Rights Groups Denounce Israel’s Imprisonment of Sheikh Salah

TEHRAN (defapress) – The International Federation of Jurists denounced Israel’s detention of Palestinian activist Raed Salah and called on the international community and non-governmental organizations to defend the Palestinian people’s rights.
Iran remains main supporter of Resistance against Zionists
Islamic Jihad Rep.:

Iran remains main supporter of Resistance against Zionists

TEHRAN (defapress) – Condemning the UAE’ tie normalization with the usurping Zionist Regime, the representative of Islamic Jihad in Lebanon called Iran as the main supporter of Resistance Front in the fight against the Zionists in the region.
Lebanon President Strongly Rejects Hezbollah Arms Caused Beirut Mega-Blast

Lebanon President Strongly Rejects Hezbollah Arms Caused Beirut Mega-Blast

TEHRAN (defapress)- Lebanon's President Michel Aoun dismissed the idea that a massive explosion in Beirut port earlier this month was caused by the blast from a deposit of weapons warehoused by Hezbollah, stressing that it is "impossible".
Syrian President, Iranian FM Official Discuss Increasing Mutual Cooperation

Syrian President, Iranian FM Official Discuss Increasing Mutual Cooperation

TEHRAN (defapress)- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Senior Assistant to Iran's Foreign Minister for Special Political Affairs Ali Asqar Khaji in a meeting in Damascus conferred on the latest developments in Syria as well as ways to boost cooperation between the two countries.
Israeli Forces Shoot Deaf Palestinian Man at Checkpoint

Israeli Forces Shoot Deaf Palestinian Man at Checkpoint

TEHRAN (defapress) – A deaf Palestinian was shot and wounded by Israeli security guards after he was not able to hear the orders to stop at an occupied West Bank checkpoint.
Lukashenko Says Ready to Share Power in Belarus As Protests Mount

Lukashenko Says Ready to Share Power in Belarus As Protests Mount

TEHRAN (defapress) – Facing growing protests that have posed the biggest challenge to his 26 years in power, President Alexander Lukashenko said on Monday he was ready to share power in Belarus, although not under pressure from the streets.

Turkish Military Patrol Hit by Blast in Syria’s Idlib

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Russian center for Syrian reconciliation said a Turkish military vehicle has been hit by an unidentified explosive device during patrol on a highway in Syria’s Idlib.
Dozens Killed, Thousands of Homes Destroyed by Sudan Floods

Dozens Killed, Thousands of Homes Destroyed by Sudan Floods

TEHRAN (defapress) – Torrential rains and floods have killed at least 65 people and destroyed more than 14,000 homes in Sudan.
Rockets Fired at US Embassy in Baghdad

Rockets Fired at US Embassy in Baghdad

TEHRAN (defapress) – At least four Katyusha rockets were fired at the US embassy in Baghdad’s heavily fortified Green Zone, one of which landed in an area where American troops are stationed at the diplomatic mission, according to media reports.
Thousands Partake in Belarus’ Biggest Protest against Government

Thousands Partake in Belarus’ Biggest Protest against Government

TEHRAN (defapress) – Belarusians chanting "Step down!" filled the center of the capital Minsk on Sunday in the biggest protest so far against what they said was the fraudulent re-election a week ago of longtime President Alexander Lukashenko.
Israel Launches Fresh Strikes on Gaza

Israel Launches Fresh Strikes on Gaza

TEHRAN (defapress) – Israel carried out fresh overnight strikes on the Gaza Strip, in response to alleged launch of “incendiary balloons” across the border from the Palestinian enclave.
Pakistan to adopt Iran’s model for Muharram ceremonies

Pakistan to adopt Iran’s model for Muharram ceremonies

TEHRAN (defapress) – Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan called on the Shia Muslims of his country to follow Iran’s model for Muharram ceremonies.
US Needs Daesh, Other Terrorists in Region

US Needs Daesh, Other Terrorists in Region

TEHRAN (defapress) – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said the US needs terrorists on the ground in the region, and levied its recent draconian sanctions against Syria as a means of throwing support behind them.