Trump-Biden Debate Reveals Depth of Troubles in US
Iranian President:

Trump-Biden Debate Reveals Depth of Troubles in US

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the first presidential debate between US presidential candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump laid bare the dire situation the US government is facing, pointing to Washington’s failure in handling domestic and foreign policy issues.
Parliament Blasts Europe for Meddling with Iran's Domestic Affairs

Parliament Blasts Europe for Meddling with Iran's Domestic Affairs

TEHRAN (defapress)- The Iranian parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission in a statement on Tuesday lashed out at the European states' human rights allegations against Tehran as an attempt to interfere in Iran’s internal affairs.
Iran Supporting Stable, Peaceful Bosnia-Herzegovina

Iran Supporting Stable, Peaceful Bosnia-Herzegovina

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian envoy to Sarajevo Reza Qelichkhan said that Tehran has always supported stability, unity and peaceful coexistence of all ethnic groups in Bosnia- Herzegovina.
General Soleimani’s Assassination Proof of US Bolstering of Terrorism

General Soleimani’s Assassination Proof of US Bolstering of Terrorism

TEHRAN (defapress)- Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council Mohsen Rezayee blasted the US’ assassination of former Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Force Commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, describing the move as a proof of Washington's efforts to reinforce terrorists.
Zarif wishes broader prospect for Iran-China bilateral coop.

Zarif wishes broader prospect for Iran-China bilateral coop.

TEHRAN (defapress) – In a Sunday tweet, the Iranian Foreign Minister wished China great success and a broader prospect for Iran and China's comprehensive strategic cooperation.
Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan to form shipping lines

Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan to form shipping lines

TEHRAN (defapress) – A regular shipping line will be established between the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan.
Iran buries US political aspirations for West Asia

Iran buries US political aspirations for West Asia

TEHRAN (defapress) – Stating that there wont be any military action against Iran, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps Major General Hossein Salami said that Iran buried the US political aspirations for West Asia.
Fighting No Solution to Nagorno-Karabakh Dispute
Iranian Spokesman:

Fighting No Solution to Nagorno-Karabakh Dispute

TEHRAN (defapress) – From the viewpoint of Iran, the military clashes between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Armenia would not settle the decades-old conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson said.
US Sanctions against Iran amid COVID-19 Amount to ‘Medical Terrorism

US Sanctions against Iran amid COVID-19 Amount to ‘Medical Terrorism

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif slammed the US for impeding the Islamic Republic’s ability to fight the coronavirus, explaining that US sanctions have prevented the purchase of critical medical supplies.
IRGC Unveils Air-to-Surface Guided Rocket

IRGC Unveils Air-to-Surface Guided Rocket

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force unveiled the first homegrown air-to-surface guided rocket designed to be launched from its Sukhoi Su-22 fighter bombers.
Zarif Urges Azerbaijan, Armenia to Cease Hostilities, Hold Talks

Zarif Urges Azerbaijan, Armenia to Cease Hostilities, Hold Talks

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called on Armenia and the Republic of Azerbaijan to exercise restraint, agree on a ceasefire and launch negotiations after a fresh round of military clashes between the two neighbors.
Ghalibaf hails IRGC Aerospace Force achievements

Ghalibaf hails IRGC Aerospace Force achievements

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf has hailed the IRGC Aerospace Force achievements.
Iran never to stop producing power:
IRGC chief cmdr.

Iran never to stop producing power:

TEHRAN (defapress) – Sating that the Iranian youth are able to defeat the will of the enemies, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami said that Iran will never stop producing power.
IRGC Unveils New Naval Ballistic Missile

IRGC Unveils New Naval Ballistic Missile

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps unveiled a new naval ballistic missile with a range of over 700 kilometers.
Iran’s President Urges Collective Efforts to Evict US from Region

Iran’s President Urges Collective Efforts to Evict US from Region

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani deplored the detrimental effects of the US military presence on Iraq and other countries, calling on all regional states to pursue the expulsion of American forces from the region.
Iran Urges Iraq’s Legal Action on Assassination of Gen. Soleimani

Iran Urges Iraq’s Legal Action on Assassination of Gen. Soleimani

TEHRAN (defapress) – Secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani called on Iraq to seriously pursue the case of American assassination of top Iranian commander Lt. General Qassem Soleimani.
UAE to Be Treated as Enemy If Israel Hurts Iran’s Security
Top General:

UAE to Be Treated as Enemy If Israel Hurts Iran’s Security

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iran’s highest-ranking military commander warned the United Arab Emirates that it will be held accountable for any harm to the Islamic Republic’s security caused by the Zionist regime as the Arab country has normalized ties with Israel.
GC Spokesman Blasts US Sanctions against Two Iranian Judges

GC Spokesman Blasts US Sanctions against Two Iranian Judges

TEHRAN (defapress)- Spokesman of Iran’s Guardian Council Abbasali Kadkhodayee strongly lashed out at US President Donald Trump’s recent move to sanction two Iranian judges.
Iran, Tajikistan stress expansion of economic, energy coop.

Iran, Tajikistan stress expansion of economic, energy coop.

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian Minister of Energy Reza Ardakanian held talks with Minister of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan Usmonali Uzmonzoda via videoconference on the expansion of economic and energy cooperation.
Iran Decries Europe’s Interference on Pretext of Rights Violation

Iran Decries Europe’s Interference on Pretext of Rights Violation

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iran’s ambassador to the UN office in Geneva took a swipe at European states that interfere in the internal affairs of other countries under the pretext of voicing concern about violation of human rights.
US sanctions are crime against humanity

US sanctions are crime against humanity

TEHRAN (defapress) – Protesting to White House over the inhumane sanctions and maximum pressure on Iran, President Rouhani said that White House is responsible for the crimes against humanity due to shortage of medical and emergency supplies.
Front of Truth to Gain Great Victories

Front of Truth to Gain Great Victories

TEHRAN (defapress) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said the memory of Iran’s martyrs will continue to give hope and courage to future generations and inspire them to take firm steps toward lofty goals.
Political failures made Saudi Arabia delusional

Political failures made Saudi Arabia delusional

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said that repeated field and political defeats in Yemen have made Saudi Arabia delusional.
Zarif Hails Russia, China’s Support for Iran against US at UN

Zarif Hails Russia, China’s Support for Iran against US at UN

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif hailed the show of unity by the remaining parties to the 2015 nuclear deal, particularly Russia and China, after almost no one followed Washington’s lead to “snap back” UN sanctions on Iran.
Leader condoles demise of Ayatollah Mamdouhi

Leader condoles demise of Ayatollah Mamdouhi

TEHRAN (defapress) – The leader of the Islamic Revolution expressed his condolences over the demise of Ayatollah Mamdouhi.
Martyr Soleimani broke US grandeur in world

Martyr Soleimani broke US grandeur in world

TEHRAN (defapress) – Hailing Lt. General Soleimani’s sacrifices in defending the country against the enemy, Ghalibaf noted that the first and foremost result of the martyrdom of General Soleimani was bringing down the US grandeur in the world.
Iran, Slovenia Vow to Bolster Parliamentary Cooperation

Iran, Slovenia Vow to Bolster Parliamentary Cooperation

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian Ambassador to Ljubljana Kazzem Shafei and Slovenian Parliament Speaker Igor Zorčič called for development of parliamentary cooperation.
'US economic war based on illusions, miscalculations'

'US economic war based on illusions, miscalculations'

TEHRAN (defapress) – In his Wednesday remarks, Iranian President Rouhani said the US economic war against Iran in the past two and half years has been based on illusions and miscalculations.
IRGC boosting Iran weapons' capabilities

IRGC boosting Iran weapons' capabilities

TEHRAN (defapress) – Sating that Iran is getting stronger every day, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami said that IRGC is boosting Iran weapons' capabilities.
US Wary of Aggression against Iran Because of High Costs

US Wary of Aggression against Iran Because of High Costs

TEHRAN (defapress)- Deputy Commander of Iran's Army for Coordination Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari underlined that the military preparedness of the country’s Armed Forces to respond to threats dissuades the enemies, including the US, from making any aggression for the fear of its high costs.
Next US President in Need of Gaining Trust to Rejoin Iran Deal

Next US President in Need of Gaining Trust to Rejoin Iran Deal

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the next US president will have to gain [international] trust as the only option to join the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), stressing Washington’s isolation at the UNSC.
Iran Only Soothed by US Withdrawal from Region
Ex-IRGC Commander:

Iran Only Soothed by US Withdrawal from Region

TEHRAN (defapress)- Former Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and Secretary of Iran’s Expediency Council (EC) Mohsen Rezayee said that his country's efforts will continue tirelessly to expel all US troops from the region in revenge for the assassination of ex-IRGC Quds Force Commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.
Iranians' resilience to US sanctions cause of recent success

Iranians' resilience to US sanctions cause of recent success

TEHRAN (defapress) – In reaction to recent US efforts to return UN sanctions on Iran, President's Chief of Staff Mahmoud Vaezi said that the US illegal efforts were once again failed, and the legitimacy of Iran's stance was reaffirmed.
US to face harsh revenge for Gen. Soleimani assassination
IRGC dep. coordinator:

US to face harsh revenge for Gen. Soleimani assassination

TEHRAN(defapress) – The coordinating deputy of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps vowed Iran’s imminent revenge for the martyrdom of its anti-terror commander, Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.
Iran’s Zarif Urges Trump to Rein in Pompeo

Iran’s Zarif Urges Trump to Rein in Pompeo

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif called on US President Donald Trump to change tack before Secretary of State Mike Pompeo turns American into a global laughing stock.
Commemoration ceremony of Sacred Defense Week kicked off

Commemoration ceremony of Sacred Defense Week kicked off

TEHRAN (defapress) – Commemoration ceremony for honoring more than one million war veterans during eight years of Sacred Defense began at Sacred Defense Museum on Monday in the presence of Leader of the Islamic Revolution via videoconference.
Commemorating War veterans ‘a national responsibility’

Commemorating War veterans ‘a national responsibility’

TEHRAN (defapress) – Leader of Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei hailed the braveries of the Iraq-Iran War veterans, saying that commemorating them is a national responsibility.
US Effort to Re-impose Sanctions ‘Null, Void’
Iran’s UN Envoy:

US Effort to Re-impose Sanctions ‘Null, Void’

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian Ambassador to the UN Majid Takht Ravanchi said the US claim about restoration of the UNSC bans on his country based on the self-styled “snapback” mechanism is null and void, and urged the UN and Security Council to prevent such move.
Iran Sure to React to US Recourse to Resolution 1929

Iran Sure to React to US Recourse to Resolution 1929

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said his country will definitely respond to any possible US practice of UN Security Council Resolution 1929 in violation of the decision of the UNSC, adding that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has not read the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
No Need for European Arms, Iran Able to Trade with Others

No Need for European Arms, Iran Able to Trade with Others

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said his country does not need to purchase weapons from Europe if they restrict arms sales to Tehran, stressing that Russia and China can be good trade partners.
Kharrazi Warns of Iran’s Decisive Response to US Aggression

Kharrazi Warns of Iran’s Decisive Response to US Aggression

TEHRAN (defapress) – Head of Iran’s Strategic Council on Foreign Relations Kamal Kharrazi reminded the US that any act of aggression under the pretext of reinstating the sanctions, already lifted under the UNSC Resolution 2231, would draw Tehran’s immediate and decisive response.
Iranian forces ready to destroy all US interests in region
Maj. Gen. Salami:

Iranian forces ready to destroy all US interests in region

TEHRAN (defapress) – The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) said that Iranian forces are ready to seize and burn all American interests in the region.
No difference btw. Trump, Biden in anti-Iran policies

No difference btw. Trump, Biden in anti-Iran policies

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf said that both Trump and Biden will continue pursuing US anti-Iranian policies.
IAEA’s Demands Over after Inspection of 2 Sites
Iran Nuclear Chief:

IAEA’s Demands Over after Inspection of 2 Sites

TEHRAN (defapress) – The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has said it would not demand to inspect any more sites in Iran after visiting the two locations to which Iran agreed to grant access in late August, Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said.
Iran no place for enemies to exhibit their powers

Iran no place for enemies to exhibit their powers

TEHRAN (defapress) – Commander of Army Aviation Second Brigadier General Yousef Ghorbani sadi that Zolfaghar-99 military exercise showed that there is no place for enemies to exhibit their power in Iran, especially in the Persian Gulf.
Iranian Pilgrims Destined for Iraq in Defiance of Travel Ban Halted

Iranian Pilgrims Destined for Iraq in Defiance of Travel Ban Halted

TEHRAN (defapress) - The Iranian Police have peacefully dispersed hundreds of people at a southwestern border crossing as they tried to go to Iraq for the Arbaeen pilgrimage despite a travel ban because of the coronavirus outbreak, an official said.
Riyadh following Israeli regime’s steps in nuclear prgm.
Iran enovy:

Riyadh following Israeli regime’s steps in nuclear prgm.

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iran's Ambassador to the Vienna-based international organizations Kazem Gharibabadi called on the IAEA to ensure that Saudi Arabia is committed to its obligations under the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement.
'We will target those behind Gen. Soleimani’s assassination'
Maj. Gen. Salami:

'We will target those behind Gen. Soleimani’s assassination'

TEHRAN (defapress) – The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps said that Iran is serious about taking Martyr Soleimani’s revenge at it will target those behind the assassination.
Iran has no worries about snapback activation

Iran has no worries about snapback activation

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian Government Spokesman Ali Rabiei in a note on Saturday said Iran is not worried about the probable activation of the so-called snapback mechanism, noting that the US benefits from its anti-JCPOA policies.
Rouhani urges people to continue observing health protocols

Rouhani urges people to continue observing health protocols

TEHRAN (defapress) – President Hassan Rouhani said the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will remain for a long time, warning that people still need to follow health protocols.
‘Israel Firsters’ Ruining Region, Betraying Americans for Votes
Iran’s FM:

‘Israel Firsters’ Ruining Region, Betraying Americans for Votes

TEHRAN (defapress) - Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the Israeli regime’s supporters in Washington have not just ruined the West Asia region but also betrayed their own people.
Spokesman Raps Pompeo’s Anti-Iran Comments

Spokesman Raps Pompeo’s Anti-Iran Comments

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Saeed Khatibzadeh dismissed the US state secretary’s tweets on Iran’s internal affairs as a psychotic reaction to Washington’s successive defeats.
Normalization of Ties with Israel Marks Second Nakba Day
Iranian Speaker:

Normalization of Ties with Israel Marks Second Nakba Day

TEHRAN (defapress) – Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf lashed out at the treacherous Arab rulers who have normalized relations with the Zionist regime, saying the move has marked a second Nakba Day.
Iran President Urges Close Ties with Japan in Congratulatory Message to Suga

Iran President Urges Close Ties with Japan in Congratulatory Message to Suga

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani congratulated Yoshihide Suga on his election as Japan's new prime minister, expressing hope for the development of friendly ties between Tehran and Tokyo in all fields.
Persian Gulf States to Pay Price for Normalization of Ties with Israel

Persian Gulf States to Pay Price for Normalization of Ties with Israel

TEHRAN (defapress) – Secretary-General of the World Assembly of Islamic Awakening Ali Akbar Velayati warned the Persian Gulf countries which have established ties with Israel that they will have to pay the price for such humiliating normalization plan.
US, European Police Violating People’s Rights
Iran’s Judiciary Chief:

US, European Police Violating People’s Rights

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iran’s Judiciary Chief Seyed Ebrahim Rayeesi expressed regret that police forces in the US and Europe trample on the rights of people instead of protecting their lives.
Iran’s Envoy Discusses Regional Issues with Russian Deputy FM

Iran’s Envoy Discusses Regional Issues with Russian Deputy FM

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian Ambassador to Moscow Kazzem Jalali reviewed the latest regional developments, including the situation in the Central Asia and South Caucasus with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andriy Rudenko.
Iran Manufacturing 8 Models of Aircraft
Military Official:

Iran Manufacturing 8 Models of Aircraft

TEHRAN (defapress)- Head of Iran Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO) Lieutenant Brigadier General Afshin Khajeh Fard announced that his colleagues are working on production of 8 models of home-made airplanes.
Iran to Swiftly Defend Own Nation, Land, Interests

Iran to Swiftly Defend Own Nation, Land, Interests

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian Ambassador to the UN Majid Takht Ravanchi strongly protested the recent threat by US President Donald Trump, stressing that his country won’t hesitate a single moment to defend national interests and land.
'Congratulations in advance on Iranians' victory against US'

'Congratulations in advance on Iranians' victory against US'

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday congratulated the Iranian nation in advance on next week's victory against the United States.