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Will of Martyr Haidar Masoudi / O people! Be careful not to Wasted the martyrs blood

Martyr Massoudi in his will: "O people! Be careful not to Waste the blood of the martyrs, which in the hereafter you cannot answer your actions. O fathers and mothers! Do not stop your children and let them go to the front, because now Islam needs your youth and this blood. "
News ID: 69085
Publish Date: 09March 2018 - 00:53

Will of Martyr Haidar Masoudi / O people! Be careful not to Wasted the martyrs bloodAccording to the reporter of Sajed , the martyr "Haydar Masoudi" was born in Qazvin on November 9, 1964. He was present as a Basij on the front of the belief against the dishonesty. Finally, on February 19, 1981, he was awarded martyrdom in Fekkah, and his arrest remained long in the area, and was hidden in the inherited martyrs of Gaza in1989.

Here is the text of the will of this martyr:

"As I write this will, my soul is full of blood and grief; blood and grief for who I am and I do not know how to go up in that world and on the Doomsday and with God?

O humans! Fright from the Doomsday.

O nations! Fright from the Doomsday.

O people! Be careful not to Waste the blood of the martyrs, which in the hereafter you cannot answer your actions.

O fathers and mothers! Do not stop your children and let them go to the fronts, because now Islam needs your youth and these bloods.

O tree of Islam! Water them from these bloods.

O Muslims! Come and sprint the flag of Islam in the order of the world under the leadership of this great leader.

U young everyone is responsible; lest he die in the bed of abandon against the subjugated nations when Hossein (a) was martyred on the theatre of war; Ali Akbar was martyred on the way to Hussein (AS) and Ali (AS) was martyred at the altar of adoration.

My dear parents! By God's command and according to my errands, I went to the infidels for the sake of God and for the obliteration of the enemies of Islam, so that I could help Islam and make the Lord happy and agreeable.

Forgive me and make my decision; I did not do well for you, but I hope you will be pleased with me.
Thank God for you, friends and relatives! Solve me and decide my parents and do not leave the mosques empty. "

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