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Velayati with reporters:Velayati with reporters:

The people of the world are accustomed to the hollow words of trump /we don’t let nobody for defending our country

The head of the founding staff of the Islamic Azad University said: "Today, the people of the world are accustomed to the unrelated and hollow trump.
News ID: 69587
Publish Date: 07April 2018 - 15:30

The people of the world are accustomed to the hollow words of trump /we don’t let nobody for defending our countryAccording to Defapress international gruop: Ali-Akbar Velayati, on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of the thirteenth round of the Free International Robot Cup, told reporters about Trump's anti-Iranian talk about his presence in Syria, "Today, all the people of the world are accustomed to the hapless words of Trump, and the speeches of the president of that country have nothing to do with their illegitimate words. 

He argued that Iran continues to vigorously pursue its path to protecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and Iran continues to pursue its goal of advancing in the field of science and will be present along with the countries of the region and on the frontline of the resistance.

He continued: "Our defense field has made many advances, and we don’t let nobody for defending our country "In more than seven years, the United States and its comrades are demanding that the Syrian government take over the rule of Syria, but failed,"he said in connection with Trump's remarks on the presence of more Americans in Syria.

velayati Recall: America and other countries of the world launched a war against Syria, but today they have failed and miserably forced to get out of the country; these claims are no longer buying, and today Iran alongside Syria, Iraq and Lebanon in the line of resistance They will hold the first letter and will stand with authority in the front line and will not allow any resistance in any country.

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