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Advisor Calls for Shocking Message to EU

TEHRAN (defapress)- Advisor to the Iranian Parliament Speaker Hossein Amir Abdollahian said that Tehran’s foreign policy should send a shocking message to Europe to make the bloc realize that Iran will not remain in the nuclear deal at any cost, and tolerate Europeans’ support for terrorist groups.
News ID: 74927
Publish Date: 12January 2019 - 13:46

Advisor Calls for Shocking Message to EUAmir Abdollahian reacted to newly announced EU sanctions on Iran over alleged planned attacks in Europe while breaking their promise to launch the financial mechanism to circumvent US sanctions.

“Having strong relations with Europe is part of Iran foreign policy's logics,” the official tweeted on Thursday after Danish Foreign Minister announced on Tuesday that the EU countries had agreed to freeze the assets of an Iranian intelligence unit over alleged planned attacks in Europe.

At the same time, Amir Abdollahian warned the European countries against the consequences of further delay in providing Iran with the promised financial channel to help the country circumvent US sanctions and save the nuclear deal also known as the JCPOA, saying “but West should face a shock to realize we won't remain in one-way tunnel of the current JCPOA at any cost”.

The Iranian parliamentary official further criticized the harboring of the anti-Iran terrorist groups on the Europe soil, saying “now, safe Europe for terrorists and MEK has to get a logical, prudent but shocking message”.

In a related front, diplomatic sources in Iran said on Wednesday that the foreign ministry has summoned a number of European envoys over their governments' decision to impose sanctions against Tehran for terrorism allegations, warning that the country will review its security cooperation with the EU.

Following the European Union’s measure to sanction a body and two individuals from Iran, six of the ambassadors and charge d'affaires of the European countries were summoned to the foreign ministry, an informed diplomatic source said.

He added that during the meeting, they were trying to justify the EU’s measure but because of their "inappropriate" language and also since their explanations were not acceptable, they faced a tough response from the Iranian side and the meeting ended in less than 10 minutes.

“Due to the European countries’ support for well-known terrorist groups and sheltering terrorists, the Islamic Republic is evaluating and reconsidering its intelligence, security and police cooperation with these states. And decisions will be made in this regard which will cover important fields,” the source added.

In relevant remarks earlier on Wednesday, Iran's foreign ministry warned that Tehran would adopt retaliatory measures against the European states for their "baseless" allegations and sanctions against a number of Iranian nationals.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi condemned the "EU's irrational and surprising decision on the basis of unfounded allegations", describing it as a sign of their dishonesty.

He added that the EU had let free the criminal members of the MKO and al-Ahwaziyeh terrorist groups, but raises allegations against Iran which plays a pioneering role in the fight against terrorism in the region, and to which Europe owes its security.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran will adopt the necessary measures in response to this move within the framework of reciprocal acts," Qassemi said.

EU member states agreed to impose sanctions targeting Tehran’s intelligence services for what they claimed as involvement in a series of alleged assassination plots across Europe last year.

The foreign minister of one of the affected countries, Denmark’s Anders Samuelsen, revealed the decision on Twitter on Tuesday.

Without providing any evidence, Danish police in October linked the so-called Iranian intelligence officers of attacking a person in the country.

The Iranian foreign ministry strongly dismissed the claims as a plot against the growing Iran-Europe relations in the current sensitive situation.

"Such allegations are in line with the conspiracies and plots of Iran's enemies who cannot stand the good and growing relations between Tehran and Europe in the current special situation," Qassemi said at the time.

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