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Iran Ranks 1st in Anti-Narcotics Campaign

TEHRAN (defapress)- Secretary General of Iran's Drug Control Headquarters Brigadier General Eskandar Momeni underlined that Iran has the highest rate of drug detection and serizure in the world despite the pressures and restrictions imposed by the US sanctions.
News ID: 80954
Publish Date: 29April 2020 - 18:07

Iran Ranks 1st in Anti-Narcotics CampaignSecretary-General of Iran's Drug Control Headquarters said on Tuesday that the United Nations appreciates the Islamic Republic's approach in the fight against narcotics  stressing that 100 tons of narcotics have been detected by Iran’s Ministry of intelligence and Thirty tons have also been detected by the Iranian People's Mobilization Forces, which is other than that of precursors detection

Brigadier General Momeni added: "74% of the detections were due to intelligence measures and 36% of them were in the eastern provinces of Iran."

"We detected and seized 950 tons of narcotics in Iran over past year," Brigadier General Momeni said.

He noted that the International Narcotics Control Board had formally and in writing appreciated Iran's efforts to treat, care for, and providing the addicts with shelter, saying that the Islamic Republic of Iran was doing its best to save lives despite illegal sanctions.

In January, Brigadier General Momeni lashed out at the US and the NATO, two main occupiers of Afghanistan, for encouraging and facilitating poppy cultivation and drug production in the poor country.

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