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No possibility for talks with unreliable Trump

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian interior minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli rejected any possibility for holding talks with the US President Donald Trump, naming him unreliable.
News ID: 81344
Publish Date: 17June 2020 - 22:13

No possibility for talks with unreliable TrumpHe noted that " the US President has proved that he does not remain committed to international treaties and has conflicts not only with the Islamic Republic but with other countries including Russia and China."

"Trump has even ignited some serious problems in the US," he underlined.

"All the world know that Trump is not reliable," he added.

The minister added that the Islamic Republic is in conflict with the US government but not the American people.

Rahmani Fazli underscored the significance of fortifying Iran's economy as a way to protect the country against the enemies.

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