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Pakistan to continue efforts for establishing peace in Afghanistan

TEHRAN (defapress) – Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement, noting that Islamabad will continue consultations aimed at establishing peace and stability in neighboring Afghanistan.
News ID: 81364
Publish Date: 20June 2020 - 12:14

Pakistan to continue efforts for establishing peace in AfghanistanHere is the full text of the statement:

Responding to the media query, the Spokesperson said that Special Representative for Afghanistan, Ambassador Muhammad Sadiq visited Doha, Qatar on 16-17 June 2020. During the visit, he met Taliban leaders including Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar to discuss peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan.

The Special Representative underlined that Pakistan will continue to play its role as facilitator for peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan. In this context, he referred to the highly productive visit of the Chief of Army Staff to Kabul recently, which had imparted a new impetus to Pakistan’s efforts.  

The Special Representative appreciated Taliban’s commitment to implement the US-Taliban peace agreement. He also noted that the release of prisoners as per the US-Taliban peace agreement would be a stepping stone towards immediate start of Intra-Afghan Negotiations.

Pakistan hopes that all concerned parties will make sincere efforts for peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan. Pakistan, on its part, remains fully committed to support the Afghan Peace Process.

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