TEHRAN (Defapress) - The eight-year imposed war against Iran was the arena of an asymmetrical war, with Iranian fighters on one side and a heavily armed army on the other, supported financially and with weapons by the powers. That was while sanctions and financial pressures prevented the provision of weapons, parts, and data-x-items needed for the war. Therefore, the fighters sometimes used innovative and at the same time simple methods to confront the enemy.
Writing misleading phrases on ammunition boxes to deceive infiltrators was one of the innovative plans of the fighters on the fronts, as described in the book "Front Culture": "We wrote misleading phrases on the bodies of cars and large ammunition boxes that were transported to the front by the trailer, and by this means we hindered the work of enemy infiltrators; for example, on some of these boxes they wrote: Spare parts for loaders and bulldozers, or sentences such as chemical fertilizers, road construction machinery, etc., or on the long box of Katyusha, appropriate to its height and size, they wrote: Tractor or truck drive shaft!"