Updated in: 27 July 2024 - 15:13

Near 80% percent unemployment in the Gaza Strip

Unemployment in the Gaza Strip has reached nearly 80% since the war with Israel erupted last October, the United Nations labor agency said on Friday, bringing the average unemployment rate across the Palestinian territories to more than 50%.
News ID: 84626    Publish Date : 2024/06/08

Israel’s actions are incompatible with international law

Robert Habeck as a senior German official, showed his direct point of view on Israel's genocide in the Gaza Strip.
News ID: 84587    Publish Date : 2024/05/26

Iran’s top general praises Iraq’s 'courageous' stance on Gaza

Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Bagheri has commended Iraq's “wise and courageous” positions on the issue of Palestine and the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.
News ID: 84449    Publish Date : 2023/12/05

Deadly Israeli Raids Continue in Occupied West Bank

Israeli forces carried out a series of overnight raids in the occupied West Bank, resulting in fatalities and injuries, while the relentless bombardment in the Gaza Strip continues to claim civilian lives.
News ID: 84401    Publish Date : 2023/10/29

Palestinian Medic Arrested While Treating Protesters in West Bank

TEHRAN (defapress) – Israeli troops arrested a medic who was treating injured protesters during a demonstration against the establishment of a new settlement outpost in the Ras Al-Tin area in Kafr Malik village, east of Ramallah.
News ID: 82599    Publish Date : 2020/11/21

Jordan Calls for End to Israeli Demolition of Palestinian Homes

TEHRAN (defapress) – Jordan called on the international community to put pressure on the Israeli regime to cease demolishing Palestinian homes in the occupied West Bank, and rescind a threat to destroy Palestinian educational centers.
News ID: 82492    Publish Date : 2020/11/08


French Cartoons Provocative to Islam, Beliefs

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas slammed France for publishing cartoons that insult Islamic sanctities.
News ID: 82376    Publish Date : 2020/10/26

Palestinian Teenager Dies After Being Acutely Beaten by Israeli Soldiers

TEHRAN (defapress)- A Palestinian teenager was martyred early Friday morning after he was severely beaten by Israeli occupation soldiers near the village of Turmus-Ayya, to the Northeast of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank, according to Palestinian security and medical sources.
News ID: 82369    Publish Date : 2020/10/25

Palestinian Presidency Condemns Israeli-Sudanese Normalization Deal

TEHRAN (defapress)- The Presidency of the State of Palestine expressed on Friday its condemnation and rejection of the Israeli-Sudanese deal on normalizing the relations between the two counties, saying it will take the necessary decisions to protect the legitimate interests and rights of the Palestinian people.
News ID: 82363    Publish Date : 2020/10/24

Syria Rejects Any Deal with Israel That Will Cause Harm to Palestinian Cause

TEHRAN (defapress)- A Syrian diplomat said his country will never clinch an agreement with the Israeli regime that will undermine the interests of the Arab world, particularly the Palestinian cause.
News ID: 82167    Publish Date : 2020/10/02


Palestinian Head Under Pressure to Talk to US

TEHRAN (defapress)- Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas refused to negotiate with the US although he was under pressure from Arab countries, a Fatah movement official said Sunday.
News ID: 82066    Publish Date : 2020/09/20

Palestinian-Lebanese Alliance:

Hamas, Hezbollah Put Up United Front Against Israel

TEHRAN (defapress)- Hamas Political Bureau chief and Hezbollah secretary general agreed on further strengthening of relations and coordination between the Palestinian and Lebanese resistance movements in the face of growing threats from their common enemy, Israel.
News ID: 81950    Publish Date : 2020/09/06

Speaker's Aide:

Palestinian Resistance to Firmly Respond to Israel's Annexation of West Bank

TEHRAN (defapress)- Special Advisor to Iran's Parliament Speaker for International Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian warned Israel against annexing the West Bank, and said that such a move will surely receive a strong reaction from the Palestinian Resistance.
News ID: 81403    Publish Date : 2020/06/27

Iranian President Asks for Int’l Community’s Pressure on Israel to Withdraw from Palestinian Lands

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani underlined the necessity for the international community to force Israel to return the Palestinian territories to their real owners.
News ID: 81103    Publish Date : 2020/05/14

Palestinian Prisoner Dies in Israeli Jail

TEHRAN (defapress)- Palestinian prisoner Nour al-Barghouthi was proclaimed dead on Wednesday morning in the Israeli Negev jail.
News ID: 80881    Publish Date : 2020/04/22

Palestinian official:

Zarif’s Damascus’s trip shows Iran’s resolute on tackling regional issues

TEHRAN (defapress) – A member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) says the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif’s visit to Damascus, amid the recent developments, shows the Islamic Republic’s determination on addressing the regional challenges.
News ID: 80846    Publish Date : 2020/04/20

Arab League Demands Release of Palestinian Inmates amid COVID-19 Outbreak

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Arab League called on international human rights organizations and other relevant bodies to secure the release of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli detention centers in the wake of rising cases of infection with the new coronavirus in the occupied territories.
News ID: 80615    Publish Date : 2020/03/25

Malaysia PM:

US-Crafted Deal Gives Green Light to Israel’s Occupation of Palestinian Land

TEHRAN (defapress)- Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad dismissed US President Donald Trump's so-called Deal of the Century on the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict as “utterly unacceptable” and “grossly unjust”, saying the scheme legalizes Israeli occupation of Jerusalem al-Quds.
News ID: 80163    Publish Date : 2020/02/09

Palestinian PM Says Trump’s Plan Nothing But Proposal of Apartheid

TEHRAN (defapress)- Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh dismissed US President Donald Trump’s so-called deal of the century on the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict, stating that the initiative was only a proposal for an apartheid system that legitimizes the Israeli regime’s colonial project in Palestinian territories.
News ID: 80072    Publish Date : 2020/02/01

Palestinian PM Says Trump’s Plan Nothing But Proposal of Apartheid

TEHRAN (defapress)- Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh dismissed US President Donald Trump’s so-called deal of the century on the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict, stating that the initiative was only a proposal for an apartheid system that legitimizes the Israeli regime’s colonial project in Palestinian territories.
News ID: 80071    Publish Date : 2020/02/01

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