Updated in: 01 July 2024 - 16:17
Hope Media Cup

No words should be spoken about despair

No media has the right to make people regret their proud history and disappoint them with the bright future that is waiting for them.
News ID: 84555    Publish Date : 2024/05/19

Spreading despair is the enemy's will

One of the officials of the Mobilization of the Oppressed organization, Ali Rezaei, stated that having hope while being aware of the country's capabilities, is important.
News ID: 84553    Publish Date : 2024/05/19

Iran is not dependent on other countries to make missiles

Commander Belali said that all of our rockets are high-precision missiles, and that's the consequence of trusting the youth and having domestic knowledge.
News ID: 84544    Publish Date : 2024/05/18

80% of Iranians agree with supporting the oppressed around the world

Referring to the results of a national survey about the values and attitudes of Iranians, Seyed Mohammad Hashemi said: This survey showed that nearly 80% of Iranian people agree with supporting the oppressed of the world.
News ID: 84543    Publish Date : 2024/05/18

The " Hope Media Cup " seeks to create hope in the society

Karazmoyan listed the production of good news and creating hope in society as one of the goals of holding the Hope Media Cup and said that to create hope, media people are united.
News ID: 84542    Publish Date : 2024/05/18

The media is the basis of Jihad of Explanation

Commmander Ghoeishi considered the members of the media as the officers of the battlefield of soft war and stated that the media is the basis of Jihad of Explanation.
News ID: 84541    Publish Date : 2024/05/18

Closing of the Hope Media Cup

The biggest event of producing and publishing promising content and development of Iran began at the center of international conferences of the Islamic Revolutionary Comprehensive University. 
News ID: 84540    Publish Date : 2024/05/18

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