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An attempt by the US to transfer the Zionist capital from Tel Aviv to the occupied “Quds”

The topic of the transfer of the Zionist capital from Tel Aviv to the occupied “Quds”, which is endorsed by the United States, will lead to widespread regional and international reactions.
News ID: 67240
Publish Date: 04December 2017 - 13:51

An attempt by the US to transfer the Zionist capital from Tel Aviv to the occupied “Quds”

Despite American officials remained silent on the subject of the transfer of the capital of the Zionist regime from Tel-Aviv to occupied Al-Quds (Jerusalem) over the recent months, some American officials have publicly announced support of the plan by Donald Trump during the President's news in the coming days.

Although the United States still has to take action in this case, one of the country's authorities, who wished to remain anonymous to be revealed, in an interview with Reuters, said: "the President of Trump on Wednesday Jerusalem (Al-Quds) as the capital of the Zionist regime will recognize."

While such statements can be raised, "Trump and Jared Kushner, special representative of the groom" in matters relating to the conciliation talks between the Palestinians and the Zionist regime, "trump said not being recognized in the case of Al-Quds as the capital of Israel to adopt a final decision."

Despite Kouchner commenting, Governments and regional and international flows significant reaction to the release of the news by the American authorities.


Palestinian Islamic resistance movement (Hamas) by rejecting any attempt to recognize that finding a complete occupation of the city of Al-Quds, under the title of accepting it as the capital of Palestine from the Zionist regime, with the nation-wide demonstrations, condemned this.

The U.S. action, "Hamas is against the international laws," and "cruel" and described the Palestinian nation, in addition to the demand of the nation and the World Muslim reaction towards this issue.

Officials of the Arab world, the reaction time in the case of their own. Arab League Secretary General Ahmed abolgheiz with concern the decision of the President and a warning about the consequences of this action, "it is only to the benefit of Israel.

He threatened: "If the United States does this practical, Government action against a single Arab position will be adopted.".

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, fast reaction towards this issue and showed it to the action as "unacceptable".

At the completion of this action, the Executive Committee Chairman of the Saeb Erekat said the Palestinian Liberation Organization, this action means the end of all peace talks [compromise] will be between Israel and the authority. ".

The city's position due to the issue of Al-Quds and its socio-demographic context has special importance for each of the parties involved.

The eastern area of Al-Quds military presence despite the Zionists, the Palestinian residents of the city and the location of Western area in these settlements and the military armed Zionist invaders.

The announcement of Al-Quds to the Zionist regime, Israel capital allowed the eastern area, which will be carried out by the United Nations as an "occupied area" is called, to their occupied lands to formally annex.

This issue will cause the Government of Jordan also entered the scene because the trustee's Al-Aqsa mosque with the Ministry of Awqaf is Jordan and Palestinian citizenship, in spite of the Al-Aqsa Mosque personnel, employees of the Ministry of Awqaf State the Kingdom of Jordan.

It is natural that dominated over Al-Quds, meaning the full occupation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the abolition of the Jordanian Ministry of Awqaf legal presence as the curator of the Affairs of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This topic certainly makes collisions between the Government of Jordan and the Zionist regime will be.

What the Arab League, the Arab-Palestinian conciliation work flow and its American and Zionist friends have ignored their Islamic resistance to axis occupation, Al-Aqsa Mosque is c ompleted.

The Islamic resistance forces are definitely in response to these measures, the security of information in the field-and the situation in the event of an increase, if necessary for the military to transfer the capital to occupied Al-Quds of the Zionist regime will respond.

Prior to this, during the Palestinian intifada Conference also in Tehran, Islamic and African, Arab Governments have asserted that the Summit in the event of the transfer of the U.S. Embassy to occupied Al-Quds, which is recognized as find Al-Quds as the capital of the Zionist regime, and as a result the full occupation of the city by Zionists, by and Ashangton, your Embassy in the USA closed that it will cut off relations means these countries will be with us.

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