Updated in: 27 June 2024 - 23:41

Gaza's children's hunger crisis

Famine approaches closer than estimations for Gazans, who spend hours in queues for a few spoons of cooked food.
News ID: 84698    Publish Date : 2024/06/27

Over 20,000 missing children in Gaza

Over 20,000 Gazan children are estimated to have been lost, disappeared, detained, buried under the rubble, or in mass graves.
News ID: 84696    Publish Date : 2024/06/24

The bad condition of Gaza roads

UNOSAT announced that almost 65 percent of Gaza's roads have been destroyed.
News ID: 84695    Publish Date : 2024/06/24

US flinches from supporting Israel in war with Hezbollah

Joint Chief of Staff Charles Q. Brown warned that the US would not be able to support Israel in front of an all-out war with Hezbollah.
News ID: 84694    Publish Date : 2024/06/24

The Zionist regime prime minister:

The intense phase of the war is about to end

Benjamin Netanyahu was interviewed this evening (Sunday) on a program on an Israeli channel claimed that the intense phase of the war is about to end.
News ID: 84693    Publish Date : 2024/06/24

The Zionist settler's tribal war against West Bankers

West Bankers are facing a kind of vicious tribal-like war initiated by violent Israeli settlers and soldiers.
News ID: 84692    Publish Date : 2024/06/24

Hezbollah unveiled precision missiles

The new movie of Lebanon's Hezbollah revealed the Hezbollah's precision missiles.
News ID: 84691    Publish Date : 2024/06/24

The Zionist regime use starvation as weapon

Euro-Med announced that Israel destroyed 75% of Gaza's farmlands to use starvation as a weapon against civilians.
News ID: 84690    Publish Date : 2024/06/24

Al-Qassam used ATGM against the Zionist regime for the first time

The al-Qassam Brigades announced that its fighters fired an anti-tank guided missile (ATGM) at an Israeli target.
News ID: 84689    Publish Date : 2024/06/24

Iran's army ground forces commander:

The hard response of the resistance axis to any devilish acts of the Zionist forces against Lebanon

Commander Brigadier Heydari said that if the Zionist regime attacks Lebanon, the resistance axis will not remain silent and will respond harshly to the devilish acts of the Zionist regime.
News ID: 84687    Publish Date : 2024/06/23

Iraqi Resistance will support Hezbollah in case of Israel attack

In light of Israeli threats against Lebanon, the Iraqi Resistance vowed to support the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon in the face of "Israel".
News ID: 84684    Publish Date : 2024/06/23

Zionist cruel forces strap wounded Palestinian to jeep

The Zionist forces strapped a wounded Palestinian man to the hood of a military jeep during an arrest raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin on Saturday.
News ID: 84683    Publish Date : 2024/06/23

Hezbollah threatened the vital locations of the Zionist regime

Hezbollah warned Israel and any other countries who attacked Lebanon, will regret that.
News ID: 84682    Publish Date : 2024/06/23

Settlers demand "crime minister" resignation

Large protests have occurred in Tel Aviv every week over Netanyahu's mismanagement of the nearly nine-month-old war in Gaza.
News ID: 84681    Publish Date : 2024/06/23

Doomsday clock ticking for Israel’s annihilation

As Israel’s saber-rattling against Lebanon’s Hezbollah heats up, the regime’s vulnerability in case of a possible full-blown conflict with the resistance movement is thrust into the public spotlight.
News ID: 84679    Publish Date : 2024/06/22

Cuba joins South Africa's lawsuit against Israel

Cuba has decided to join South Africa’s case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip, the Cuban Foreign Ministry said on Friday.
News ID: 84678    Publish Date : 2024/06/22

Israeli tanks bombed civilian tents

Hamas and Gaza residents said that IOF struck Rafah in southern Gaza on Friday, as well as other areas across the enclave, martyring at least 45 Palestinians.
News ID: 84675    Publish Date : 2024/06/22


World cannot afford Lebanon to become another Gaza

Antonio Guterres issued a serious warning as a full-scale war between Lebanon's Hezbollah and the Israeli army approaches.
News ID: 84674    Publish Date : 2024/06/22

War of liberation will be on the way

If the Zionist entity makes the mistake of launching a war against Lebanon, this would easily escalate into a regional war, the last war the entity ever fights, because such a war would be the war of liberation.
News ID: 84672    Publish Date : 2024/06/22

The Zionist regime admitted the painful failure

Israel's minister of military affairs Yoav Gallant has admitted the occupying regime’s "painful failure" and intelligence fiasco on October 7, highlighting the cataclysmic cost of the "difficult Gaza war" for Tel Aviv.
News ID: 84671    Publish Date : 2024/06/19

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