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Martyr’s Brother "Namazifard" in an interview with Defapress:

The story of the martyr's insistence to visit Imam / Mostafa went to front for God

Martyr Nemazi Fard's brother said: We were deployed with Mustafa to Paveh. The commandant of the Pashto Corps was Martyr Nasser Kazemi. I said to Haj Nasser, the position is not good food and amenities. He asked Mustafa about this. Mustafa said that the food is good. Hajj Nasser said that you are all distress, but Mustafa is content with his age, so it's a trouble for you. Mostafa came for God, but you have not come for God.
News ID: 68841
Publish Date: 24February 2018 - 15:25

The story of the martyr's insistence to visit Imam / Mostafa went to front for GodThe story of martyr insisted to meet the Imam/m for God had gone to the front. The brother of the martyr Mostafa said individual lamps to Paveh, "deployed". The Commander of the revolutionary martyr Nasser Paveh Kazemi, The Haj naser said the situation of food and good facilities. He is the subject of m. asked. Mustafa also said the food is good naser said, all of you are upset, but they are a little age, Mustafa is satisfied, so the problem from you. M is for God, but you are not for God.

martyr Mustafa, "Namazi person" brother "of the martyrs of the sacred defense era, in an interview with reporters to defend Press Club reporter, pointing to the moral qualities his brother Mustafa said the child could not see anyone upset. Remember, one day we suddenly are playing the wrong effect on I’m to the ground. Although he had been checking blood from the mouth, but it was loud and started to chuckle, as I sad.

He added: a lot of interest to the Imam Mustafa (RA). When the Imam of Paris, decided to go visit them, Mustafa insisted that come along with us. The more he explained, the population is high, do not accept. Eventually we came together. It took 10 more years.


Regarding how the presence of individual lamps to your brother on the front said that war began, 12 more years Insisted to the front. I told him, just to make your summer sing; I take and my cell in the summer vacation attending front.

The brother martyrs continued with Mustafa to Paveh, "deployed". The Commander of the revolutionary martyr Nasser Paveh Kazemi the Haj naser. Said, the situation of food and good facilities. He is the subject of m. asked. Mustafa also said the food is good. A. n. said, all of you are upset, but they are a little age, Mustafa is satisfied, so the problem from you. M is for God, but you are not for God.

The person at the end of Namazi said when Mustafa entered high school, he attended the Corps was at the front was more based on the period of time spent in front more, So that "operations in Jerusalem» seven martyred and his professor after 11 years configuration back.

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