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President Rouhani:

Iran Able to Export Coronavirus Kits

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that his country has gained the capability to export diagnosis kits for coronavirus, and added that the virus is a test for the efficiency of the world’s governments.
News ID: 80891
Publish Date: 22April 2020 - 22:38

Iran Able to Export Coronavirus Kits“At present, we can be an exporter of diagnosis kits, and exports of masks will be possible for us after meeting the needs inside the country,” President Rouhani said, addressing a cabinet meeting in Tehran on Wednesday.

“Our people are fully aware that the coronavirus issue has turned into a test for the efficiency of all world states and governments. All countries are in rivalry to control, treat and decrease the period of disease and most importantly, prevent its epidemic, alongside each other and all nations are making efforts to this end,” he added.

Rouhani noted that it would be impossible to evaluate the date when the virus would perish or the epidemic would end, calling on people to continue respecting the hygiene protocols and social distancing to prevent spread of the disease.

In relevant remarks last Sunday, Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari announced that the country had attained the capability to produce excess medical equipment special for coronavirus treatment and is ready to export them.

“We are now preparing to export coronavirus diagnosis kits and medical equipment thanks to the growing production of knowledge-based companies,” Sattari told reporters in Tehran.

“We are witnessing extraordinary developments in Iran in the production of creditable medical equipment, including ventilators and different systems needed in surgery rooms, and these companies have received the necessary licenses and can export their products even to Europe,” he added.

Sattari also said that the knowledge-based companies have met the country’s needs to masks and disinfectants through vast production.

The Iranian health ministry announced on Tuesday that the country has identified 1,297 new cases of coronavirus infection, adding that over nearly 61,000 patients have recovered so far.

“1,297 more patients infected with COVID-19 virus have been identified in the country since yesterday based on confirmed diagnosis criteria,” Health Ministry Spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour said on Tuesday.

He said that the total number of coronavirus patients in Iran has increased to 84,802, adding that 5,297 people have lost their lives due to infection to the virus, including 88 in the past 24 hours.

Jahanpour, meantime, said that 60,965 infected people have been treated and dismissed from hospitals, expressing concern that 3,357 patients infected with COVID-19 virus are in critical conditions.

He also noted that 365,723 coronavirus diagnosis tests have been carried out in the country so far.

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