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Russia Slams US’ Anti-Iran Rhetoric

TEHRAN (defapress) – Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov expressed concerns over Washington’s rhetoric against Iran, saying the US is interpreting its right to self-defense in its own way.
News ID: 80925
Publish Date: 25April 2020 - 15:57

Russia Slams US’ Anti-Iran RhetoricRussia is concerned by the US threats to Iran amid tensions in the Persian Gulf and is calling on both sides to exercise restraint, Ryabkov said on Saturday.

According to the diplomat, the United States is interpreting its right to self-defense in its own way by threatening Iran with attacks in the Persian Gulf.

"This is one of the methods that create uncertainty in the international community, this is a deliberate desire to sow discord among members of the international community, given that different countries interpret the relevant provisions of international law differently. This is one of the elements of US policy that is aimed at continuing to play on the nerves," he added, Ria Novosti reported.

The remarks came after US President Donald Trump said recently that he had instructed the US navy to destroy Iranian boats “if they harass” US ships in the Persian Gulf.

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