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Leader Highlights Western Civilization’s Failure in Anti-Coronavirus Combat

TEHRAN (defapress)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei underlined that the western civilization has failed to display an efficient performance in fighting against coronavirus epidemic.
News ID: 81067
Publish Date: 10May 2020 - 22:09

Leader Highlights Western Civilization’s Failure in Anti-Coronavirus Combat"Western civilization’s failure in the global trial of combating corona is obvious and quite visible. The West and westernized people don't want this failure to be seen; however, it is necessary to study and speak about the various dimensions and reasons for this failure," Ayatollah Khamenei said, addressing a session of the National Coronavirus Campaign Headquarters via a video conference on Sunday.

“The West has failed in management, social philosophy and morality amid the coronavirus battle,” he added.

Ayatollah Khamenei referred to the poor management of the governments of some western countries, saying, “Coronavirus emerged in the United States and Europe later than other countries, meaning they had the opportunity to prepare for combatting the virus, but they failed to do so. This is proved by the large number of deaths and high rates of unemployment in the United States and some European countries.”

He also pointed to the failing “social philosophy of the West” amid the pandemic, noting that “the West’s social philosophy is based on materialism and money, which is why they have been so disrespectful to the elderly, the sick, and the homeless amid the coronavirus outbreak because these groups are incapable of making money and creating materialism”.

“Many have died in nursing homes, revealing the failure of Western social philosophy,” the Leader stressed.

Further in his remarks, Ayatollah Khamenei said western societies have also failed in “showing public morality” during the pandemic.

"Westerners have failed in all their claims, and these facts must be explained to the public," he said, referring to panic-buying and other cases that have happened in some countries after the epidemic spread in those societies.

The Leader then expressed gratitude to the Iranian people for their struggle in combating the coronavirus pandemic, saying such efforts are “truly amazing and honorable”.

"I want to thank those active in fighting corona, those who are working day and night. Secondly, I would like to thank God, the Exalted, due to the great success of the Iranian nation and the officials in combating this disease."

"I give my condolences to all those who have lost their loved ones due to the coronavirus anywhere in the world. We pray for all those afflicted by this disease and ask God to grant elevated ranks to the health professionals who were martyred fighting this virus," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

On the first days of the coronavirus outbreak in Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei said strategies of the Health Ministry and its national headquarters are mandatory for all.

He said strategies and recommendations adopted by Iran's Ministry of Health and Medical Education and its national headquarters, set up to manage the nationwide fight against coronavirus outbreak, are obligatory for all Iranians.

“The strategies adopted by the national headquarters and Health Ministry to prevent spread of [coronavirus] disease are obligatory for all people,” the Leader said in a message issued to commend the efforts made by relevant authorities to contain an ongoing virus outbreak.

Ayatollah Khamenei said the national mobilization plan drawn up to combat coronavirus, which has scientific support, is accompanied by religious, jihadi and humane motives.

"It is an efficient plan and is the very measure, which God willing, will turn the mishap into blessing and the threat into opportunity," Ayatollah Khamenei stated.

The Leader also thanked endeavors made by Iran's Health Minister Saeed Namaki and the ministry's staff to fight the coronavirus and wished them success.



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