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Thousands Attend Friday Prayer at Aqsa Mosque

TEHRAN (defapress) – Tens of thousands of Palestinians attended the Friday prayer at al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied Jerusalem (al-Quds) for the first time in about two months due to the coronavirus closure.
News ID: 81258
Publish Date: 06June 2020 - 15:25

Thousands Attend Friday Prayer at Aqsa MosqueAl-Aqsa Mosque’s director Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani said that over 50,000 worshipers attended the Friday prayer at al-Aqsa Mosque and its courtyards, the Palestinian Information Center said on Saturday.

Sheikh Mohammed Salim, an Aqsa Mosque preacher, in his Friday sermon, called on Palestinian worshipers to resume their activities at al-Aqsa Mosque and intensify their presence there.

Earlier in the day, thousands of Palestinians, despite Israeli barriers and restrictions, managed to arrive at al-Aqsa Mosque from areas inside and outside Jerusalem for the dawn prayer.

Al-Aqsa Mosque was reopened on Sunday after a 69-day lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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