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Russia to US:

Leave Syria, Deal with Your Internal Crisis

TEHRAN (defapress) – Russia’s Foreign Ministry strongly condemned recent remarks by a US official about the Russian military's presence in Syria, describing them as “crazy” and calling on Washington to pull its forces out of the Arab country and deal with its own internal crises.
News ID: 81272
Publish Date: 07June 2020 - 12:46

Leave Syria, Deal with Your Internal CrisisUS Assistant Secretary of State David Schenker said on Thursday that Russia should “go out” of Syria as it has played a “destructive” role there.

A source in the Russian Foreign Ministry quoted by Rai Al-Youm news website said, “It seems that he (Schenker) does not know what he was speaking about. His remarks went beyond good and evil. They are stupid remarks.”

“The professional level in the US Department of State became very low. The US should leave Syria and deal with its internal crisis,” he added.

Schenker on Thursday said Russia’s presence in Syria and the Middle East was a “rough blunder” of the Obama administration. “For 45 years, this has been the cornerstone of American politics – to keep Russia away from the Middle East,” he said, claiming that Russia was playing a destructive role in the region and should vacate.

Meanwhile, the Russian embassy in Washington responded, “In response to Assistant Secretary of State David Schenker’s blatant call for Russia to ‘go out of the Middle East’, we would like to remind: Russian military is stationed in Syria at the invitation of its government.”

According to the Russian TASS news agency, the embassy added, “The real question here: what are the grounds for the USA to occupy several swaths of this sovereign country? As far as we know none of them are legal. Neither the legitimate authorities nor the UN Security Council sanctioned American troops deployment.”

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