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Nasrallah Raps US Interference in Lebanon

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Secretary-General of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement denounced the US’ interference in the internal affairs of Lebanon, saying Washington is a sponsor of Israel and Takfiri terrorism.
News ID: 81476
Publish Date: 08July 2020 - 15:34

Nasrallah Raps US Interference in LebanonIn a televised speech via Al-Manar on Tuesday, Seyed Hassan Nasrallah Nasrallah slammed the behavior of US Ambassador to Lebanon Dorothy Shea, said she is acting “like the military governor of our country”, and lashed out at Washington’s meddling in Lebanese internal affairs.

“The US ambassador to Lebanon has been openly interfering in our internal affairs. US’ meddling in Lebanon is rejected and the Lebanese state must move in this regard,” he added.

Nasrallah also praised courage of Urgent Matters Judge Mohammad Mazeh who banned local and foreign media from featuring statements of US Ambassador Dorothy Shea earlier last month.

“I advise the US ambassador not to give lectures on freedom, sovereignty and human rights, for she doesn’t have the right to do so. Your country (US) has been funding and supporting the Israeli and Takfiri terror. So respect yourself and keep within limits.”

The Hezbollah leader also advised Washington to abandon its policy of besieging Lebanon and exerting pressure on it, saying: “Your policy is futile; it won’t weaken Hezbollah but rather will strengthen him and weaken your allies.”

He further stressed that Lebanon’s current crisis must not divert from supporting the Palestinian cause “especially now as the Zionist regime is planning to annex areas of the West Bank and Jordan Valley.”

Nasrallah also dismissed accusations that Hezbollah wants to “turn Lebanon into Iranian model.”

He underlined that the Islamic Republic is a self-sufficient country, wondering, “Why are you afraid of this model?”

He called on the Lebanese government to take the initiative to contact the Chinese government to look into ways of cooperation with the two countries and not to wait for Beijing to do such step.

Meanwhile, Nasrallah voiced Iran’s readiness to sell Lebanon oil with the Lebanese pound, Al Manar reported.

“In this regard I prefer that official talks between Lebanon and Iran take place away from media, and I can guarantee such offer.”

“Heading east is one of choices to confront starvation. This choice sends a message to the US that whoever wants to besiege Lebanon will fail in this policy,” he underscored.

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