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Iranian president: Israel Given American Carte Blanche to Kill Gazans.

Rejecting Washington’s false claim that it is pursuing a ceasefire in Gaza, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said the US’ contradictory moves and its veto of the UN Security Council resolutions have left the Zionist regime free to kill more Palestinians.
News ID: 84410
Publish Date: 07November 2023 - 09:23

Iranian president: Israel Given American Carte Blanche to Kill Gazans.Speaking at a joint press conference with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammad Shia' Al-Sudani, held in Tehran on Monday, Raisi hailed the growing relations between Iran and Iraq in various fields.
He said the two countries have taken good measures in the field of economic cooperation to expand and improve the level of trade interactions and exchanges, and stated, "Good steps have been taken to develop trade relations, especially in the field of industrial towns on the border of the two countries and cooperation in the field of joint production.”
Referring to the joint positions of Iran and Iraq regarding the crimes committed by the Zionist regime against the people of Palestine and Gaza, the president said, "Both countries clearly emphasize that the attacks of the Zionist regime on Gaza should be stopped as soon as possible and that the people should be provided with relief by lifting the blockade."
Raisi described the terrible attacks of the Zionist regime as a crime against humanity and an example of mass genocide and infanticide, which is carried out with the support of the Americans and several European countries.
"Unfortunately, the weapons, intelligence, and financial aid of the Americans to the Zionist regime encourages killings and brutal actions against the Palestinian people," he deplored.
Raisi stated that the claim of the Americans that they pursue efforts to help Gaza and establish a ceasefire is a lie and is not compatible with their actions, adding, "What we are seeing from the Americans in action is that they are vetoing the suggested resolutions in the Security Council, and they are allowing Zionists to commit more killings."
"The truth is that after the struggle and standing of the resistance movement against the Zionist regime and the defeat they inflicted on them, this regime has collapsed, the Americans want to keep this regime standing. The whole world estimates that the Palestinian nation has won, and killing children and women and destroying people's houses is not considered a victory for the Zionist regime; In other words, crimes against humanity and genocide cannot compensate for the disgraceful failure of the Zionist regime," Raisi added, his official website reported.
"The Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to cooperate with any action at the level of Islamic countries, regional countries, and on the international stage to prevent the continuation of the crimes of the Zionist regime and the American ruling body for the killing of the innocent, oppressed and powerful people of Gaza," he stated.
For his part, the Iraqi prime minister pointed to the latest developments in Gaza and the pursuit of bilateral understandings and interactions between Iran and Iraq.
Condemning the organized and mass killing of the people of Gaza, Sudani voiced Iraq’s support for the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people for the liberation of their land and the formation of an independent Palestinian state with the capital of Al-Quds.
He described the unprecedented crimes of the usurping Zionist regime against the people of Gaza, especially the killing of defenseless and oppressed women and children using the most advanced weapons, as a sign of the weakness, failure, and inability of international institutions to fulfill their duties and obligations.
"Those who want the scope of this crisis not to expand to all over the region must put pressure on the Zionist regime to stop this aggression and organized killing," the Iraqi premier underlined.

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