Updated in: 22 July 2024 - 14:38
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IRGC dep. coordinator:

Resistance continues till destruction of Israel

The deputy coordinator of IRGC emphasized that, in order to deal with the crimes of the Israelis, the resistance must continue operations until the destruction of the Zionists.
News ID: 84425
Publish Date: 15November 2023 - 14:32

Resistance continues till destruction of IsraelBrigadier General Naghdi said that the great lesson of the Al-Aqsa flood operation was that the Resistance front should not be satisfied with temporary victories and that the crimes of the Israelis would end when the Zionist regime was destroyed.

Naghdi added that Israel should be expelled from the United Nations because of the crimes against the people of Gaza.

He stated that today Gaza is an exhibition of the so-called Western freedom and human rights.

He emphasized that Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Islamic fighters had a big victory, but in the following days, they will create bigger victories.

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