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Tel Aviv's affront to the United Nation

The representative of the Zionist regime by his insulting act of throwing the United Nations Charter into the crushing machine showed his anger toward the side of the Zionist government for the support of this international organization for the full membership of Palestine in this organization.
News ID: 84521
Publish Date: 11May 2024 - 15:25

Tel Aviv's affront to the United Nations / when the representative of the Zionist regime went madTEHRAN (defapress) - In a situation where the war of the Zionist regime against the people of Gaza has entered its eighth month, Palestine and the Arab countries presented a resolution for Palestine's full membership in the United Nations, to this international organization. An issue that can be considered a very important and meaningful event in the field of global developments. The reason for this can also be found in the continuation of the Zionist regime's crimes against the people of Gaza, which has greatly offended the conscience of humanity. But the miserable thing was that at the same time as the resolution of the group of Arab countries was reviewed in the United Nations General Assembly for the full membership of Palestine in the United Nations, and the ambassador and representative of the Zionist regime in the United Nations, Glad Eradan, in an insulting act, threw the United Nations Charter into a shredder in front of the eyes of all the representatives of the countries of the world.

Indeed, this furious act came from the fact that the United Nations General Assembly with a majority of votes, i.e. 143 votes in favor, 9 votes against and 25 abstentions, supported the draft resolution of the Palestinian request for full membership in this organization. As expected, the issue has angered the representative of the Zionist regime in the United Nations, and also, in a more general view, caused Tel Aviv's madness.

Considering that Palestine has been a non-member observer of the United Nations for many years and has made many efforts to become a full member of this international organization in recent years, its full membership in the United Nations can be a very important and effective step towards the recognition of the independent Palestinian state, while completion the attempts of these recent years.

In this regard, we see that Palestine and the Arab countries submitted this resolution to the United Nations, and based on this, it is predicted that the approval of this resolution will give more rights and privileges to Palestine in the United Nations.

On the other hand, the Zionist regime and the United States, along with Western European countries, have always tried since the formation of the fake and illegitimate Zionist regime until today, to remove the issue of Palestine and its independence from the agenda of world and international assemblies and institutions, including the United Nations, to achieve their desires by trampling on all the rights of the Palestinian people.

In the meantime, the United States, as the main supporter of the Zionist regime, has failed all the actions and efforts of the United Nations in the path of recognizing an independent country and has vetoed all resolutions related to this issue.

But this was not the end of the story and the acceptance of most of the countries of the world, from the European Union to Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia, to the resolution of Palestine's full membership in the United Nations and the formation of an independent Palestinian state, showed that the public opinion of the people of the world is behind Palestine and its people, it also shows that the eight months of the Gaza war and the killing of the oppressed and innocent people of Gaza and the decades of genocide of the Palestinian people caused the rage of the people of the countries around the world.

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