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For which countries, Netanyahu's arrest warrant is valid?

If the International Criminal Court orders the arrest of "Benjamin Netanyahu" and "Yoav Gallant", if the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime and its Minister of War travel to the 124 countries that recognize this International Court, they are obliged to arrest them.
News ID: 84588
Publish Date: 27May 2024 - 08:49

For which countries, Netanyahu's arrest warrant is valid?In which countries will Netanyahu be arrested?

TEHRAN (defapress) - While 234 days have passed since the operation of the "Al-Aqsa Storm" and the beginning of the Gaza war, the crimes and genocides of the Zionist regime in Gaza continue and the public opinion is extremely furious about this issue. That's an issue that has caused us to witness the significant increase and expansion of international pressures and, following that, the political isolation of the Zionist regime in the world, and even the arrest of the prime minister of this regime.

The issuance of the arrest warrant for Netanyahu started from the time that the Prosecutor General of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, on May 31, requested to issue an arrest warrant for Prime Minister "Benyamin Netanyahu" and "Yoav Gallant", the Minister of War of the Zionist regime. At the time of publishing his sentence, he announced that this order was issued due to the killing of Palestinians, especially the people of Gaza.

An interesting and very important matter in this regard is the remarkable reception of most countries of the world to the issuance of the arrest warrant for "Benjamin Netanyahu" and "Yoav Gallant". That’s good to mention that among these countries, many European countries who are friends and allies with the USA, can be seen between the countries who welcomed this warrant, which is very interesting in its own way.

The reason for this support is the anger of the public opinion of these countries, which has caused the people's pressure on their governments. This increase of this public rage put a significant number of friendly and allied countries of the United States and the Zionist regime in line to welcome the issuance of the arrest warrant for the officials of this occupying and illegitimate regime. An issue that causes sorrow in the world's public opinion towards the killing of the people of Gaza.

On the other hand, the countries that are opposed to the arrest warrant of the Zionist authorities are limited to only four countries: the United States, England, the Czech Republic, and Austria. This shows that in addition to the Zionist regime, its permanent and strategic allies are also in international isolation in support of this occupying and child-killing regime.

Of course, the warrants for "Benjamin Netanyahu" and "Yoav Galant" have not yet been issued, and according to the news and reports, if the three judges of the International Criminal Court in The Hague agree to issue these arrest warrants, it must be said that the Prime Minister and the Minister of War of the Zionist regime are practically prohibited from traveling to at least 124 countries in the world because according to the judgment of the Hague Court, they must be arrested after entering the territory of these countries.

Now, it is estimated that if the International Criminal Court in The Hague issues an arrest warrant for the officials of the Zionist regime, a big and international wave will be created at the level of countries around the world; furthermore, it will dissatisfy the Zionists from Tel Aviv.

In addition, if we pay attention to the declaration of readiness of countries such as France, Germany, and Belgium to implement the decisions of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, we find out that the issuing of arrest warrants for the officials of the Zionist regime has significant and thought-provoking support from major European countries. This will cause us to see "Benjamin Netanyahu" and "Yoav Galant" being put under severe pressure, which will put a lot of mental pressure on them.

In the end, it should be said that the International Criminal Court in The Hague, has issued an arrest warrant for the officials of one of America's main allies for the first time, who are the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime along with the Minister of War of this regime. If this ruling becomes final and issued, we will witness the complete and unequivocal isolation of the Zionist regime both in the public opinion of the world and in the field of international diplomacy.

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