TEHRAN (Defapress) - A "No Looters" sign on a road in Eaton, Altadena, California, is seen after residents fled the area as wildfires spread across Los Angeles, California, CNN reported.
Police are cracking down on looters in evacuation zones, with 7 arrests in the past 2 days alone, according to Los Angeles Police Department Capt. Mike Lorenz.
"Loitering is a challenge right now, and the number of looters is constantly increasing," he said at a meeting in the Palisades area on Saturday night.
"We're arresting looters within the area and we're getting better at securing the area every day," the local official added. We even arrested 2 people who were posing as firefighters entering and exiting their homes.
Lorenz then added, “Some of the residents who were forced to flee have hired private security guards to protect whatever is left in their homes. We are also closely monitoring and vetting these guards.”
Authorities say a curfew is in place in all evacuation zones to protect property and prevent theft or looting. Violators of the curfew will be arrested for trespassing under Los Angeles law, which can result in a fine of up to $1,000 or imprisonment.