TEHRAN (Defapress) - The Commander-in-Chief of the IRGC admitted that in 2018, we were supposed to target the headquarters of Takfiri terrorists in Syria with missiles. The first condition the Leader of the Revolution set was that no civilians should be harmed, and if the missiles were not accurate, the operation would not be carried out.
Major General Salami continued: We carried out this operation. Me and General Soleimani and General Hajizade were fortunate enough to be with the Supreme Leader during the Zuhr prayer of Ramadan. After the prayer, we came to give him an outpatient report. The first question that Imam Khamenei asked was, were there any civilians harmed? We said no, and he said, "Give your report now."
He stated: "In other operations that we carried out the distance between the hit points and people who did not deserve to be harmed was small. The Supreme Leader emphasized to us so much that no civilians would be harmed that we were able to achieve technology with artificial intelligence that when we hit the target, no innocent person would be harmed."