TEHRAN (Defapress) - According to Al-Ma’alumah, an official source in the province of Anbar stated: The American occupiers have arranged for the entry of dozens of foreign security companies into Iraq.
He added: These occupiers have caused a large number of foreign security companies to be stationed in various provinces of Iraq by issuing permits inside the Ain Al-Assad base in the west of Al-Anbar province, which is not under any supervision.
The source added: The real goals behind this action of the American occupiers and the establishment of the aforementioned companies without the supervision of the Iraqi security institutions have not yet been determined. These movements are directly related to the office of the Israeli spy service, Mossad, in Erbil, located in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region.
He continued: This is while the security situation in Iraq is stable and there is no reason for the entry of this number of foreign security companies.