31 August 2024

IOF used women as a human shield to reach the al-Damj neighborhood

The Arabic media correspondent revealed that the Israeli occupation forces used Palestinian women in the al-Damj neighborhood in the center of the Jenin camp as human shields.
News ID: 84942    Publish Date : 2024/08/31

Hard ambush of resistance forces against IOF in Jenin

As a result of the ambush of the Palestinian resistance forces in the city of Jenin in the West Bank, several of the occupying forces were killed and wounded.
News ID: 84940    Publish Date : 2024/08/31

Deadly Israeli Raids Continue in Occupied West Bank

Israeli forces carried out a series of overnight raids in the occupied West Bank, resulting in fatalities and injuries, while the relentless bombardment in the Gaza Strip continues to claim civilian lives.
News ID: 84401    Publish Date : 2023/10/29

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