27 September 2024
alNujaba Movement
The senior member of al-Nujaba announced in an interview with Defa press:

The highest level of coordination in the joint operations room of the Resistance groups

Shaykh al-Asadi described the level of coordination in the joint operations room of the Islamic Resistance groups at the highest level and predicted that the region's future developments would favor the Islamic Resistance.
News ID: 84670    Publish Date : 2024/06/18

Be careful, the next slaps are coming

Shaykh al-Asadi warned Tracey Jacobson for the next slaps.
News ID: 84659    Publish Date : 2024/06/15

Al-Nujaba official warns 'Israel' of any 'foolish acts' in Iraq

The head of the political bureau of the Iraqi al-Nujaba Movement, Sheikh Ali Al-Asadi, affirms that the Islamic resistance in Iraq will continue to support the Palestinian people and their cause.
News ID: 84633    Publish Date : 2024/06/08

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