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Iran Disbands 2 Terrorist Cells in Northwestern Province

Iran's security and intelligence forces engaged in clashes with two terrorist teams in the Northwestern province of West Azarbaijan, dismantling both after killing several terrorists.
News ID: 71217
Publish Date: 16July 2018 - 15:24

Iran Disbands 2 Terrorist Cells in Northwestern ProvinceTEHRAN (Defapress)- "Two armed terrorist cells which had illegally crossed into Iran were dismantled by intelligence forces in Iran's Northwestern province of West Azerbaijan during two ambush operations," a statement by Iranian Intelligence Ministry said on Sunday.

The two terrorist cells had been identified by intelligence ministry forces in a series of anti-espionage operations.

Two terrorists were killed and a host of others were arrested and a large amount of arms and munitions were seized from them.

"The terrorist teams had been commissioned by some foreign countries to carry out terrorist attacks inside Iran," the statement said.

In a relevant development on Saturday, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) killed and wounded several terrorists in clashes with a terrorist team in the Western province of Kermanshah.

The IRGC Ground Force's Najaf Ashraf base announced in a statement on Saturday that a terrorist team affiliated to counter-revolutionary groups that planned to carry out acts of sabotage and measures against national security after crossing the border into Iran in Nowdesheh area in Kermanshah Province was identified and completely destroyed by the IRGC forces.

During the clashes, three terrorists were killed and one was critically injured while an IRGC soldier also lost his life, it added.

It noted that some ammunition and military equipment were confiscated.

Iran's Deputy Police Chief and Spokesman Brigadier General Saeed Montazer al-Mahdi announced earlier that security forces dismantled several terrorist teams which aimed to carry out sabotage acts in the country in the holy month of Ramadan.

"The Law Enforcement Police's border guards prevented a group of 20 armed terrorists from entering our country in Sardasht region (Western Iran), and 2 border guard officers were martyred in the battle against them," General Montazer al-Mahdi told reporters in a press conference in Tehran.

"Also in Saravan region (Southwestern Iran) a team of suicide bombers was trapped by police and a suicide bomber was killed before he could take any action and a large amount of ammunition, suicide jackets and explosive packages were discovered from them," he added.

According to General Montazer al-Mahdi, also 4 suspects who planned to carry out terrorist acts in the final days of the holy month of Ramadan were arrested in South Khorassan province and 6 more individuals were arrested in connection with the terrorists in Qazvin, Fars and Isfahan provinces.

In relevant remarks earlier in July, Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force Brigadier General Mohammad Pakpour announced that his forces have dismantled 8 terrorist teams which aimed to conduct sabotage acts inside Iran.

"During the past year, the IRGC Ground Force units have done over 20 intel and combat operations against the conventional anti-revolutionary terrorist grouplets and the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) (terrorist group) in Northwestern Iran that intended to carry out anti-security measures to infiltrate the borders," General Pakpour said.

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