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Trump hypocritical in supporting Iranians: American historia

The claim by the US President Donald Trump on supporting Iranian people is hypocritical, as he is not representing the Americans let alone the Iranians, a historian at University of Massachusetts Amherst said.
News ID: 71360
Publish Date: 23July 2018 - 14:08

Trump hypocritical in supporting Iranians: American historiaNew York(Defapress)-Referring to the US presidential election in 2016, Professor Daniel S. Chard said, 'Trump became president due to an undemocratic peculiarity in the U.S. Constitutional system known as the Electoral College.'

'Most Americans, like most Iranians, want peace and economic security. A May 2018 poll found that approximately 56% of Americans supported the Nuclear Deal; only 26% opposed,' he said.

Chard is the co-editor of Science for the People: Documents from America’s Movement of Radical Scientists, and writer of Nixon’s War on Terrorism: The FBI, Leftist Guerrillas, and the Origins of Counterterrorism (in press).

Referring to the ultra-conservative, islamophobic, messianic form of Christianity beliefs of the US secretary of States, Mike Pompeo, the American author said, 'Whether for ideological or business motives—or out of spite for Barack Obama—Trump, Pompeo, and a handful of other White House officials also seem driven to side with Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Israel in their opposition to the JCPOA and these nations’ regional power struggle with Iran.'

Commenting on reports regarding meetings between members of the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (also known as the MKO) with the US officials, the UMass History Department lecturer described it as contradictory to the US claims on counterterrorism.

Professor Chard said, the group is 'an organization that most Americans have never heard of that supported Saddam Hussein during the Iran-Iraq War and has carried out attacks on Americans.'

'Tragically, America’s response to 9/11 was itself contradictory. The War on Terrorism has dramatically increased rather than reduced violence in our world. After the 9/11 attacks, people throughout the globe expressed sympathy with Americans. But the U.S. responded with military invasions in Afghanistan and Iraq and drone wars throughout the Middle East and Africa that led to even greater death and suffering and inspired further anti-American terrorism, including that of the so-called Islamic State,' he said.

As to the Iran Nuclear Deal, Chard described it as 'an important step towards achieving peace and stability in the Middle East and beyond.'

'Nothing good will come from the Trump administration undermining the Deal while increasing support for the violent MEK [MKO] organization.'

The American author also gave examples on the long history of US undermining democracy in other countries.

Pompeo’s speech is part of a long history of U.S. leaders working to undermine democracy in other countries while claiming to support freedom. '

'The CIA-backed coups in Iran (1953), Guatemala (1954), and Chile (1972) are prime examples. During the late 1970s, the U.S. supported a number of bloody counter-revolutionary organizations in the then Portuguese colonies of Angola and Mozambique.'

He also noted that US violent policies have always been reacted by those in the targeted countries as well as peace movements inside US.

'Today there is widespread domestic opposition to Trump’s policies, including the Muslim Ban, separation of migrant children from their parents, and the Republican Party’s attack on public healthcare,' he said adding in fact, the United States is currently experiencing its greatest upsurge of popular protest since at least the 1960s, if not the 1930s.

'I sincerely hope that America’s revitalizing social movements can help end the Trump administration’s aggression towards Iran,' he said.

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