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Saudi-led coalition continues aggression against Yemen despite ceasefire

TEHRAN (defapress) – The Saudi-led coalition has continued air raid against different areas of Yemen on Saturday, also violating the ceasefire in Hodeihah.
News ID: 81125
Publish Date: 17May 2020 - 14:11

Saudi-led coalition continues aggression against Yemen despite ceasefireAccording to Almasirah, the US-Saudi aggression continued on Saturday, to launch raids and bombardments on a number of governorates, causing damage to public and private property.

In Hodeidah, US-Saudi violations during the past 24 hours reached 58. Among the violations, warplanes and spy drones flights, 14 violations with 103 missiles and artillery shells and 39 violations with several bullets. US-Saudi forces targeted Addurayhimi city and other areas with artillery shells and machineguns.

In Al-Jawf, US-Saudi aggression launched 6 raids on KhubWalShaaf district.

In Al-Baidha'a, the aggression launched 3 raids on Al-Sawadeah and 8 raids on Qanyah area in less than an hour.

In Marib, US-Saudi aggression launched 2 raids on Majzr district.

In Najran, the aggression launched a raid on Al-Sharfah area.

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