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Hezbollah Condemns Rabat-Tel Aviv Agreement on Normalization of Relations

TEHRAN (Defapress)- Lebanon's Hezbollah Islamic resistance movement strongly condemned the so-called agreement between Morocco and the Israeli regime on the normalization of relations, stressing that the Arab countries having relations with Tel Aviv will soon regret their move.
News ID: 82747
Publish Date: 12December 2020 - 13:16

Hezbollah Condemns Rabat-Tel Aviv Agreement on Normalization of RelationsAmerican President Donald Trump announced on Thursday that Morocco had reached a US-brokered agreement with Israel on the normalization of relations, becoming the fourth Arab country – After the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, and Sudan – to reach such an agreement with the Tel Aviv regime since August.

Morocco’s royal court also confirmed the news and said that the US will open a consulate in the Western Sahara territory in line with the agreement.

“We condemn the announcement by the Moroccan authorities about the normalization of relations with the Israeli enemy. This move is in the context of the successive fall of a number of Arab governments that, at the behest of the United States and the Zionist regime, have undermined the Palestinian ideals and want to destroy it,” said Hezbollah in a statement published on its official al-Manar website.

As part of the agreement, Trump who is due to leave office on January 20, agreed to recognize Morocco’s "sovereignty" over the occupied Western Sahara.

Morocco annexed the vast Western Sahara region, a former Spanish colony, in 1975 and has since been in conflict with the Algeria-backed Polisario Front, a movement that seeks to establish an independent state in the territory and end Morocco’s occupation there.

The provocative normalization agreements between Israel and three Arab countries have already sparked outrage among the Palestinians who view the agreements as stabs on their back and a betrayal of their cause.

“The submission of these governments to the US and Zionist blackmail policy in the hope of achieving gains here or lifting sanctions there, are nothing but illusions and mirages from which they will not gain anything, and they will quickly discover that they have reaped nothing but disappointment and that their country has become exposed to the Israeli enemy and its dangerous conspiracies,” Hezbollah added.

A number of the Palestinian resistance groups, in a joint statement on Friday, also condemned Morocco’s normalization agreement with Israel, saying that the move is a flagrant betrayal of Palestinians and their cause, al-Mayadeen television network reported.

They also stressed that because of the flagrant act of betrayal, Morocco is no longer qualified to be the chair of al-Quds Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

“The compromising regimes betrayed the firm will of their brave nations by agreeing to compromise. These shameful agreements do not reflect the will of the free Arab nations, especially the Moroccan nation, which has always supported the Palestinian cause,” the groups said.

The Palestinian resistance groups, in conclusion, called on Moroccans and all other Arab nations to make a massive protest movement to reject the compromise and expose the scandal of the compromisers.

Following the Morocco-Israel agreement on Thursday and in reaction to it, Palestinian resistance movement Hamas issued a statement strongly condemning the agreement as a “political sin”.

Islamic Jihad Movement of Palestine also condemned the normalization of relations between Morocco and Israel, describing it as a betrayal of Jerusalem al-Quds.

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