Updated in: 01 July 2024 - 16:17
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Reaction of the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Canada's hostile and absurd action

The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, while condemning the Canadian House of Commons in declaring IRGC as a terrorist, said: actions caused by the ignorance and imprudence of the Parliament of Canada do not affect the power and authority of this proud force that emerged from the text of the Iranian nation.
News ID: 84520
Publish Date: 11May 2024 - 10:58

Reaction of the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Canada's hostile and absurd actionAccording to the report of the Defapress's political group, the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Kanaani, strongly condemned the proposal of the House of Commons of Canada to declare the official military force of our country as a terrorist and said that it is an unwise and hostile move and contrary to the accepted standards and principles of international law, including the equality of sovereigns and non-interference in the internal affairs of governments and an example of an attack on Iran's sovereignty and national security.

Kanaani added that this irresponsible move is along the wrong path that Canadian parliamentarians have taken over the last decade under the influence of the Zionist regime and in line with some cliques that are rejected and have a lack of position and value.

He also added that the IRGC is a sovereign institution that emerged from the context of the great and powerful nation of Iran and has an official and legal identity derived from the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which along with other elements of the armed forces, is responsible for guarding the national security and borders of the country and also contributes to maintain the security and constant stability in the region by dealing with the sinister phenomenon known as terrorism.

Kanaani announced that the Islamic Republic of Iran, at the same time, reserves its right to respond and take appropriate and countermeasure actions against such actions which are contradictory to international law and against the Iranian nation and government.

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