Updated in: 27 June 2024 - 23:41
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Israel agreed to negotiate 3-phase exchange deal

According to the Israeli channels, the occupation would end the war after the end of phase one.
News ID: 84613
Publish Date: 02June 2024 - 09:41

Israel agreed to negotiate 3-phase exchange dealTEHRAN (defapress) - According to the Israeli KAN 11 channel, on Saturday, Israel allegedly agreed to negotiate the end of the war on Gaza in a three-stage plan.

The Israeli media noted that one of the main conflicts between both sides was the Israeli veto placed on the identities of the captives to be released, which is yet to be resolved. They claimed that Israel is ready to end the war as soon as phase one of its proposal is completed and will not wait for the completion of phases two and three. He further cited a political source saying that mediators agreed on the proposal.

The Zionist media also reported that War Cabinet member, Benny Gantz, held an emergency meeting, with the presence of the negotiations team, to discuss the next steps regarding an exchange deal.  

Israeli Channel 12 affirmed that the business forum, which includes over 200 economic giants,  chairmen of boards of directors, and CEOs of companies, supports a prisoner exchange deal and urges the occupation government to make a "brave decision", noting that the "return of the captives is a moral duty that should be prioritized by Israeli leadership at this time."

Tags: israel ، ceasefire ، hamas ، gaza ، palestine
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