26 September 2024
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Unique inventions during sacred defense

Military and engineering initiatives were able to determine the outcome of anti-enemy operations during the sacred defense.
News ID: 85053
Publish Date: 24September 2024 - 09:23

TEHRAN (Defapress) - During the sacred defense, the Western countries put their whole support on the Baath regime and also put Iran under high pressure of heavy sanctions. The war situation was unequal but the Islamic Republic forces didn't lose their hope and courage and to face these pressures, did initiative acts.

Unique inventions during sacred defense

These military and engineering inventions could ignite hope in Iran's forces' hearts. Construction Jihad took responsibility for the engineering projects to provide the required facilities. In each period, according to the war's progress, engineering forces started new initiatives in this field. Based on that, it's worth to mention some of these inventions.

Unique inventions during sacred defense

1)      The construction of a barrel bridge over the Bahmanshir River to break the siege of Abadan was an effort to gain great achievements in the construction of the bridge and subsequent developments in this field. The barrel bridge of the Samen-ol-A'emeh operation was built by using 220-liter barrels and connecting them to facilitate the movement of forces and equipment for the operation of breaking the siege of Abadan. 

Unique inventions during sacred defense

2)      The Khaybar Bridge, which is known as a masterpiece of war engineering the world, was the largest floating bridge in the world with a length of 14 kilometers, was built on the Hoor. To keep the bridge afloat, polymer materials were used so that it could be repaired and replaced quickly in case of an enemy air attack, and spare parts were installed along the way to the main bridge so that it could be replaced quickly if needed.

Unique inventions during sacred defense

3)      The construction of the Besat Bridge over the wild river of Arvand in the Wal-Fajr 8 operation made it possible to connect Iran to al-Faw. Despite the opposition of most of the forces, the Construction Jihad forces built this bridge in the month of Ramadan with accurate calculations, and under the excruciating heat of that location, connected the two shores of Arvand with pipes with a diameter of 156 inches.

4)      After the conquest of Faw, Baath regime forces tried many times to block the ways of supporting the fighters, for this reason, it destroyed all the bridges of Bahmanshir, which were the ways to enter Abadan and from there to Faw, and every attempt from Iran was destroyed with strong enemy attacks. To solve this problem, jihadists took a strange initiative and that was building a dam on Bahmanshir. Some thought that Abadan would be drowned by the construction of this earthen dam, and they opposed it, but the jihadists, with careful calculations, chose a place where the water would rise to a certain extent with the construction of the dam and return to Karun and flowed through Karun to Arvand. Bahmanshir Dam was built and enemy planes failed to destroy it.

5)      Another special initiative of Construction Jihad during the sacred defense was called "Missile Deflector Structure". At the end of the war, France gave radar-evading Exocet missiles to the Baathist regime in Iraq. These missiles were able to fly at a height of 4 meters above the water surface and target ships. To deflect the radar of these missiles, Construction Jihad engineers designed perpendicular metal plates that reflected the waves sent by the missile towards the missile itself, and the missile made a mistake in selecting the target and hit these plates instead of the ships. With this plan, the French military industry got into trouble because no other country was willing to buy these missiles.

After 8 years of imposed war, the achievements of military engineering and the manufacture of war tools and equipment were due to the efforts and efforts of Jihad engineering groups. Although the difficulty of work and the lack of facilities were an obstacle to not achieving the goals of war engineering, the faith and perseverance of the Jihad engineers were able to overcome the obstacles and shortcomings and be a background for the emergence of genius and subsequent achievements in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Tags: Sacred Defense ، iran
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