Updated in: 22 July 2024 - 14:38

Soleimani a ‘national hero, source of pride for all Muslims'

TEHRAN (Defapress) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the martyred Iranian commander, Lt. General Ghasem Soleimani, was a role model for both the Iranian nation and all the freedom-seeking people of the world.
News ID: 82824    Publish Date : 2020/12/30

President Rouhani Blasts US for Preventing Iran’s Access to Coronavirus Vaccine

TEHRAN (Defapress) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Washington has obstructed Iran’s efforts to purchase coronavirus vaccine, and warned officials to control borders to prevent infection of the country’s people with the mutated COVID-19 virus which has spread in the European states.
News ID: 82810    Publish Date : 2020/12/27

Rouhani congratulates Christmas to Pope, world leaders

TEHRAN (Defapress) - President Hassan Rouhani, in seperate messages, congratulated the birth of Prophet Jesus Christ (PBUH) and the new year to Pope Francis and the world leaders.
News ID: 82802    Publish Date : 2020/12/25

Era of economic war against Iran coming to an end: Rouhani

TEHRAN (Defapress) - The Iranian president said on Thursday that the life of the anti-Iranian economic war is coming to an end and the country needs to put off the flames of the US sanctions.
News ID: 82801    Publish Date : 2020/12/24

President Rouhani: Iran Not Excited by Biden’s Election

TEHRAN (Defapress) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said his country is not excited over Joe Biden’s win in the US presidential race, although he stressed that his nation is happy to see Donald Trump's departure from the White House.
News ID: 82769    Publish Date : 2020/12/17

Rouhani condoles on passing of senior politician

TEHRAN (defapress) – President Hassan Rouhani has offered condolences on the passing of senior Iranian cleric and politician, Hojjatoleslam Seyyed Mohammad-Ali Shahidi.
News ID: 82678    Publish Date : 2020/11/29

Pres. Rouhani inaugurates national oil projects

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian president inaugurated a number of national oil projects in three provinces via videoconference on Thursday.
News ID: 82635    Publish Date : 2020/11/26

Rouhani inaugurates 13 transportation projects

TEHRAN (defapress) – 13 motorway and airport projects around the country officially start operation at President's order through video conferencing.
News ID: 82579    Publish Date : 2020/11/19


US economic terrorism against Iran failed legally, morally

TEHRAN (defapress) – President Hassan Rouhani says the United States has failed in the immoral and illegal economic terrorism it has been waging against the Iranian nation in the past two years.
News ID: 82565    Publish Date : 2020/11/18


Regime trying to collapse Iran reached its own end shamefully

TEHRAN (defapress) – President Hassan Rouhani said the US regime, which tried to collapse the Iranian establishment has reached its own end shamefully.
News ID: 82516    Publish Date : 2020/11/11

Rouhani advises Biden's admin. to restore US tarnished image

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian President said the new US goveadministration needs to restore the tarnished image of the country as well as its international ties.
News ID: 82503    Publish Date : 2020/11/10


Iranian nation to continue resistance against US pressure

TEHRAN (defapress) – President Hassan Rouhani once again stressed that the Iranian nation will continue to withstand the pressures until the US surrenders to law.
News ID: 82489    Publish Date : 2020/11/08

Rouhani calls on new US admin. to return to intl. commitments

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called on the new US administration to live up to its commitments under JCPOA and return to international obligations, stating that sanctioners will not achieve their goals.
News ID: 82479    Publish Date : 2020/11/07


No matter who wins US presidential election

TEHRAN (defapress) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says no matter who wins the ongoing US presidential election, calling on the American regime to return to commitments to the international treaties.
News ID: 82452    Publish Date : 2020/11/04

Rouhani Warns against Enemies’ Endeavor to Ignite Internal Unrest

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that the enemies have invested on domestic clashes to cement their sanctions, warning everyone to take heed and keep calm against such sinister plots.
News ID: 82321    Publish Date : 2020/10/19


US New Sanctions, Propaganda Tool for Domestic Use

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said the fresh US sanctions against Iran are only meant to serve domestic consumption, adding that the sanctions will fail to break the Iranian people’s steadfastness.
News ID: 82249    Publish Date : 2020/10/10

Rouhani urges people to observe health protocols

TEHRAN (defapress) – President Hassan Rouhani called on people to continue observing the health protocols as new coronavirus figures in recent days indicate a growth in the number of deaths and infections across the country.
News ID: 82245    Publish Date : 2020/10/10

Rouhani warns of changing Karabakh conflict into regional war

TEHRAN (defapress) – Referring to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that the conflict should come to an immediate end and not spread to the region.
News ID: 82217    Publish Date : 2020/10/07


Iran, Kuwait to Further Strengthen Ties

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani congratulated Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah as the new Emir of Kuwait, and voiced hope that the two countries would see growing of friendly relations.
News ID: 82202    Publish Date : 2020/10/05

President Rouhani Hopes for Broadening of Ties with Nigeria

TEHRAN (defapress)- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani underlined his country's willingness to further expand relations and cooperation with Nigeria in different fields.
News ID: 82158    Publish Date : 2020/10/01

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