Updated in: 07 July 2024 - 11:52
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Isolating Israel via full membership of Palestine in the UN

Kanaani wrote in a message that the decisive vote of the international community in support of Palestine's full membership in the United Nations clearly shows the international isolation of the Zionist regime and the United States in the international community.
News ID: 84528
Publish Date: 12May 2024 - 15:52

The international community's support for Palestine's membership in the United Nations proved the isolation of the Zionist regimeTEHRAN (defapres) - The spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nasser Kanaani, wrote in X (Twitter): the obvious and implied support of the American authorities for the criminal actions of the Zionists in Gaza is in a situation where the international consensus has formed more than ever in support of the oppression of the Palestinian people, and they are shouting in one voice the hatred of committing genocide, forced migration, occupation and infanticide by the Zionists.

He also added that the Zionist regime is in the most isolated conditions in its fake history, and the American authorities are alone, even among their people, during their blind support.  

He continued that the decisive vote of the international community in supporting the full membership of Palestine in the United Nations indicates the international isolation of the Zionist regime and the United States in the international community.

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