Updated in: 22 July 2024 - 14:38
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The resistance of the Palestinian people united the countries of the world

One of the representatives of the Iranian Parliament said that the representative of the Zionist regime while disrespecting international laws, bought more dishonor for this fake regime.
News ID: 84532
Publish Date: 13May 2024 - 11:21

The resistance of the Palestinian people united the countries of the worldTEHRAN (defapress) - The Iranian Parliament representative, referring to the positive vote of the United Nations General Assembly for Palestine's full membership in this organization, stated that this vote was against the unprecedented crimes committed by the Zionist regime in the recent attacks on the defenseless people of Gaza, in which more than 35,000 people were martyred in this unequal battle.  

He added that the resistance and standing of the Palestinian people, especially the leaders of Hamas, and the unprecedented support of the Islamic Republic system, awakening of the nations of the region and the world led to revealing the reality of Gazans.

He mentioned that the huge community of knowledgeable and sometimes Muslim students in the heart of America and some European countries against the barbaric crimes of the Zionist regime led to 143 votes or the full membership of Palestine in the UN General Assembly, and even the Jewish lobbies condemned the crime of the Zionist regime and opposed them.

Tags: hamas ، gaza ، palestine ، UN ، United Nations
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