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Collaboration of Western media with political leaders to suppress the Palestinian supporters

The mainstream media, in close cooperation with the power elites in the United States of America, are trying to create a scary and distorted image of the supporters of Palestine in the universities of this country.
News ID: 84533
Publish Date: 13May 2024 - 12:37

Collaboration of Western media with political leaders to suppress the Palestinian supportersTEHRAN (defapress) - American students' protests against Israel's genocide in Gaza have become an uncontrollable phenomenon due to their depth and moral richness. This issue has caused a rapid change in the physics of politics of the United States.

The mainstream media in America, which shapes much of the country's policymaking at the local, national, and international levels, is often controlled by the Israeli lobby. These media unfairly intervened in the story of student protests and tried to present a very dark image of the supporters of Palestine in universities.

In recent weeks, reporters, commentators, and news anchors have used the same words and phrases used by Biden and American and Israeli officials to destroy the character of protesters. They are trying at all costs to prevent a public, honest, and comprehensive conversation about Israel's behavior in Gaza, and instead focus their audience's attention on fabricated accusations. During this time, the mainstream media went so far as to declare university campuses as "training grounds for terrorists", "Nazi mobs" and "centers for developing anti-Semitic ideas".

When the principled stance of young Americans is misrepresented by the US mainstream media as "anti-Semitic mania" and "terrorist support", it can be concluded that the protesters have shaken the pillars of the hidden empire in the US.

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