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Arab League ceases labeling Hezbollah as a terrorist organization

The Arab League’s assistant secretary-general said that the Arab League no longer considers Hezbollah as a terrorist organization.
News ID: 84704
Publish Date: 30June 2024 - 09:22

TEHRAN (defapress) - The Arab League’s assistant secretary-general, Hossam Zaki, one day after the end of his trip to Beirut, the capital of Lebanon, announced that the Arab League no longer considers Hezbollah to be a terrorist organization.

Arab League ceases labeling Hezbollah as a terrorist organization

Hossam Zaki clarified that in the the previous resolutions of the Arab League, Lebanon's Hezbollah was introduced as a "terrorist organization" and this issue was present in the resolutions, and based on this, communications with it were cut off.

Referring to his meeting with Lebanese Hezbollah officials, this Arab League official added: Arab League member countries (he did not mention their names) agreed to stop using the terrorist formula of considering Hezbollah, because the reasons for using this adjective no longer exist, and the Arab League does not have terrorist lists, and no attempt is made to name institutions or groups in this regard.

On his trip to Beirut, Hossam Zaki while meeting with various officials of Lebanon, discussed the escalation of tensions in Lebanon's borders and ending the issue of the presidential vacuum in this country.

In March 2016, the Arab League listed Hezbollah as a "terrorist organization" and requested the party to stop what it called the spread of extremism, sectarianism, and interference in the internal affairs of countries.

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