Updated in: 27 July 2024 - 15:13
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The Syrian air defense repelled the attack of the Zionist regime on Damascus

Syrian state media reported that the air defenses of this country had engaged hostile targets in the skies of Damascus.
News ID: 84774
Publish Date: 14July 2024 - 10:12

TEHRAN (defapress) - The Zionist regime once again resumed its aggression against Syria. The Syrian state television confirmed the military aggression of the Zionist regime on Syrian territory and announced that the air defense of the Syrian army had countered the Zionist missiles around Damascus and destroyed most of them.

The Syrian air defense repelled the attack of the Zionist regime on Damascus

The official Syrian news agency, quoting a military source, reported that a Syrian soldier was killed and three others were injured during the Israeli occupation regime's air attack on Damascus this morning.

According to this Syrian military official, this attack was carried out from the occupied Golan and targeted some military positions in the south of Damascus, as well as a residential house in the Kafr Sousa area in the city of Damascus.

The airstrikes of the Zionist regime are happening at a time when the Syrian government has sent letters to the United Nations and the UN Security Council, condemning these attacks and asking them to stop.

Tags: syria ، israel
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